Box Forms is available only for Enterprise Advanced accounts. Customers must agree to the Box Forms Addendum in order to use Box Forms.
With Box Forms, you can create forms to gather information from recipients.
Building a Form
Get started by going to the Relay section and then the Forms tab. From here, click the New + button to begin creating a form.
To build a form:
- Click Add a Title to name the form, and then click Add Help Text, or a description to explain the purpose of the form.
- Add a field by dragging and dropping; adding a field inline; or clicking the lower button Add a Field on the form:
- Short Text
- Long Text
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Dropdown
- Number
- File Upload
- Metadata
- Customize branding:
- Select a theme color.
- Add a header logo.
- Create a logic condition, as detailed below, and then select it for the form.
- Click Save Form.
- Preview or publish the form. See Publishing a Form.
Adding Form Logic
Logic within forms can adapt based on user inputs, making them more relevant and easier to complete. You can set conditions to show or hide fields and add specific logic for further customization.
To add custom logic:
- From the Logic section in the setting panel, click the New Logic button.
- For the If condition, configure the logic that determines the event needed to trigger the conditions. Select to specify if All Conditions or Any Conditions apply:
- Select a field:
- For the applicable field, select an condition operator:
- Equals
- Does Not Equal
- Contains
- Does not Contain
- Begins With
- Ends With
- Is Empty
- Is Not Empty
- For more conditions, click + Condition.
- For the Then outcome, configure the logic that determines the outcome of the select If conditions. Select from the following:
Show/Hide Fields
This outcome can be used to show/hide submitters relevant form fields as they complete the form. -
Enable/Disable Fields
This outcome can disable fields to make them read-only while keeping them visible.
Show/Hide Fields
- (Optional) For the Else outcome, configure the logic that is applied after the Then condition:
- Show/Hide the field.
- Enable/Disable the field.
- Click Save Logic.
Previewing a Form
Once a form is completed, you can click Preview to review the form prior to sharing it. From the Preview tab, you can test out the fields and conditions to ensure all work appropriately. Submissions in preview are not included in the form submissions page.
Publishing a Form
After reviewing the form, you can share it to gather submissions.
- Click Share Form.
- (Optional) Click Settings and select if you want to require form submitters to log in to Box:
- To allow only logged in Box users to create submissions, toggle on Require uploaders to log in to Box.
If your Admin has this setting enabled, then form submitters will have to log in to Box by default. - To allow anonymous form submissions, toggle off Require uploaders to log in to Box.
- To allow only logged in Box users to create submissions, toggle on Require uploaders to log in to Box.
- (Optional) Click Settings and set an expiration date for the form:
- Select Set a link expiration date.
- Select a date.
- Click Save.
- Click Copy.
The toggle Link is enabled needs to be set to on to share the link.