"Box Drive failed to initialize with macOS. Please relaunch the application to resolve the issue. If the problem persists, please contact Box Support to further troubleshoot."
I am getting this error on a new MacBook Pro running the latest version of Monterey.
Can you provide a solution or more troubleshooting steps, please?
I am also having this issue as well as others, I have tried all of the listed solutions with no success. Last step, I am going to try installing an older version of Box. Update: I just installed an earlier version of Box I had on another computer and now it's working again! Thanks all!
Hi Dennis, not sure if it's a great long term solution, but after spending the entire day on this searching & trying to get IT support -- the only thing that has worked was using the Terminal command to fully uninstall Box Drive, then restart and install an old version I downloaded in 2021 called "BoxDrive.2.20.140-M1-beta.pkg"
If you can't find it online I can email you a copy (too large to attach here). Drive started working again after logging in.
I did the same thing. I had a version 2.25 installer. I used the terminal command to uninstall Box, I then installed the old v 2.25. Box immediately launched and worked.
Upon the first re-start, Box insisted that I download the latest version from the website. Box would not launch until I updated. As soon as I updated, it gave a notice that a Manual Reset was required. I followed the directions to do this via Terminal. The new version opened and worked. I tried several warm and cold restarts and version 2.27 continues to work now in 11.6.8.
Hi Terry,
Looks like there was a copy/paste typo in my message above, but the full file name for the old version is: "BoxDrive.2.20.140-M1-beta.pkg" I'm not sure if it's available online anymore, but if you want to send me an email or shared folder at kagoldstein@uchicago.edu, I'd be happy to try to share it directly with you.
Hi All,
Good Day! We have now an update with the Box Drive Error above. Please click on this link to see the updates in our Box Product Support page.
Hope this helps.
Hi Terry,
Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!
Can you please try manually resetting your Box Drive following the steps in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697494-Using-Box-Drive-Basics
If the issue persists, please proceed in uninstalling and then reinstall Box Drive by following these articles:
Let us know how it goes and if you have any questions!
Best regards,
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