

  • lauren

    Hi - at this time, having admin capabilities is the only way in which to export a file/folder tree report. You could do one of two things here: 


    1. Contact your university admin to process the request
    2. Have your university admin temporarily make you a Group Admin, in which you'd be able to export the report yourself, only for folders you own.
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  • balajirci

    I am using a "Personal" box cloud account.


    Is there a way to export the filenames and directories in the entire account?

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  • I have made a test group and test user along with a folder. Now how and where to find option to extract the report for the folder.

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  • BobFlynn-IU



    You need to make your account the Group Admin of that group. Then, under the user settings for your account, look for the groups list. Find that group under the list and you'll see that the user is Group Admin. Next to that indicator you will see the gear icon. That is where you give that Group Admin the ability to run reports on that group. After you save that change, you'll see the icon for the Admin Console show up in the left nav of your account. See https://community.box.com/t5/How-to-Guides-for-Admins/Designating-Group-Admins/ta-p/221 for detailed instructions.





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  • Thank you so much!

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  • Rob_Parrish

    A quick tip for Box Admins.


    If you get a request to run a report of a file and folder tree for a user

    1. Go to Admin Pannel

    2. Go to Content Manager

    3. look up the user and search (so their name shows up in the user list)

    4. Right click on the user and export


    This produces an Excel file with a list of the files and folders they have access to.

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  • LisaMichele

    I'm looking for the same, but based upon Accounts (individual as well as Group/Departmental), trying to get a file count (a listing would be even better) for each Box account. 

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  • rperry65671

    Where is the ADMIN Panel?  Cannot find it.

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  • BobFlynn-IU



    If you are logged in with an account that has admin or co-admin permissions, you'll see both a link at the very top of your screen and one in the left nav. If you don't see them, then you don't have that permission.



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  • frankreid

    I am the admin, I created the account to store my book projects. Now please tell me how, step by step, to download or print a list of all the file names in folder.

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