Shared folders not showing in box sync.




  • jash

    In addition - I've tried right clicking on the folder in the browser, going to properties => sync folder, but it still does not show up in the desktop box sync. 

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  • maltus

    Hi .

    Is the account the user has signed into on their computer the same one you had invited into their folder? Sometimes, users may have two accounts and are invited into a folder with one account but are signed into Sync with the other account.

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  • sno7603

    What is the purpose to sync here...just curious. Sounds like the folder you are setting up is perfect living in Box web...if your employees need a header then they get it from their Box online and save HDD/Network resources.


    -One thought though is maybe they arent an editor or above? Those are the sync reqs.

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  • (I'm having the same problem.) 


    The purpose of Sync here is so that you can open the files from MS Explorer (not Web Explorer) and if you aren't connected to the internet, you can access the last version automatically downloaded while connected to the internet...

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  • killerz

    Try to explicitly enable syncing of the files to the Box Sync folder by going to the webpage version of that person's box account.  Next to the file/folder you want to sync there's a ... box.  Click this to get to properties and then choose "sync to computer". 

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  • This worked for me!

    You have to navigate to the shared folder in the web browser view there will be a box with three dots in it "..." click the box with ... go to properties and sync and that will initiate the syncing on your desktop.


    In my case, using finder on a Mac, the next time box sync started syncing it added the shared folder to Box Sync and started syncronizing files.



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  • Dalo

    What if I'm showing folders on the Web Link and NOT in the Box Sync Folder - will this move the Web-available files to the Box Sync Folder or destroy them?


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  • Dalo

    What if I'm showing folders on the Web Link and NOT in the Box Sync Folder - will this move the Web-available files to the Box Sync Folder or destroy them?


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  • killerz

    Files/folders on the web page, but not in the Box Sync Folder will be copied into the Box Sync Folder if you choose Sync to Computer.  You can try to test it first on a file you don't care about to make sure.

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  • I am using Box sync on a mac.  We are trying to use a shared folder. I tried the trick of clicking the box with the "..." but there is no option for "Sync to Computer" visible.  I have looked in settings for an option that would allow syncing of shared folders but cannot find such an option.  Please help! Thanks

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • I am using Box sync on a mac.  We are trying to use a shared folder. I tried the trick of clicking the box with the "..." but there is no option for "Sync to Computer" visible.  I have looked in settings for an option that would allow syncing of shared folders but cannot find such an option.  Please help! Thanks

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  • Greetings,


    I've invited as collaborator in 02 (two) folders, i'm trying to "Sync to Computer" this folder but i can't do it because in "Properties" don't have this option, Why? Never saw this option disappear.

    ERRO BOX.png

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  • I having the same problema, commented with picture.

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  • Howard

    , check out this article here:


    You should make sure that you are an editor in the folder as this is the necessary permission:


    "To mark a folder for Sync, navigate to your account follow the steps below. Please note that you must have Editor Access or higher to use Box Sync on a folder!"

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  • Hi All,

    I have a Mac and I have most files from Box in there except for one file. Is there a way I can add that one file in as it refused to sync. ?

    Thank you.


    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • Hi All,

    I have a Mac and I have most files from Box in there except for one file. Is there a way I can add that one file in Box Sync as it refused to sync. ?

    Thank you.


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  • BobFlynn-IU



    Is this just a single file in a folder with other files or is it by itself? What is the file type? Do you own the folder it is in? If not, what is your collaboration level?


    Just curious, do you have a need for offline access? If not, I'd recommend you move to Box Drive instead of Sync. It will give you a direct mapped drive to all your Box content.



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  • Dear team

    Please help me enable folder to be synced.

    A folder owned by me doesn't allow Sync ( it means there is no such option in the "more actions" menu - new user interface).

    But the folder higher in the chierarchy has the option to sync.

    I belive than it is not a matter of size.

    Also my organisation and my user has enabled sync to desktop


    How can I enable individual folder to be synced and also how I can enable the option for all my subfolders.



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  • Dear All

    I found the reason why I have no SYNC option in my subfolders:

    when I first install BOX SYNC software I will have the options avaialable . so correct process starts from BOX sync installation -> folders selection -> syncing  ....





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