When trying to create a folder in Box for Salesforce, the following error is shown:
"The folder [FolderName] was not found or has been deleted"
This error arises when the particular Object/Record cannot be referenced by Salesforce because it has been deleted.
- The error is related to an Object folder being deleted (Accounts, Opportunities, etc) when the folder name is the object itself (see above) and when all records within that particular object produce this error
- The error is related to a Record folder being deleted (ex: ACME Company) when the folder name is the record itself (if the error above read "The folder ACME Company was not...") and when the error occurs for that record and no others in the object
In order to resolve this error, the particular folder (Object/Record) that is tied to the error will need to be recovered from the Box Service account's Trash.
The Admin can login to the Box Service account and access the Trash in order to restore the particular folder(s) that is producing the error.