

  • France

    Hi Satyam, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Can you try reaching out to your IT department or the person who sent you this link?

    You need to receive either a Shared link or an actual invitation to collaborate in a content from the owner to view it from your Box account. You IT or your source of this link may have this information they can share to you.

    To learn more about the difference between using a Shared link and Collaboration, please take a look at this article: 


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  • Rasit Deniz

    Please add code :  When an individual finds a box folder and does not have access ie the link they discovered within their own company.  The information window displaying access not allowed should atlest list the folder owner name.  This way an individual working on certain project doesn't need to be identified by the owning manager, the subordinate from being assigned should be able to locate owner and ask for permission to access.  

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  • Roman Wasiołek

    I sign off with an earlier Rasit Deniz 's comment. However, if there are any limitations due to the fact that the owner (co-owners) remain anonymous, I suggest adding a field to the current information window about my lack of access, thanks to which you can send a request for access to the file/folder owner(s) - without the recipient being visible. The system knows who the owner and other co-owners are and would send a request to them. Information with my contact details that I have in Box would be sent with the request. If the owner doesn't want to give me access, he doesn't do it, but he remains anonymous.

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