Unable to Search Tags




  • Rona

    Hi Charlotte, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Please note that you can only search for tags using box.com with only your owned contents. 

    Get to know more about Searching and Filtering with Tags

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Charlotte Tilstra

    Just to confirm - If I have a large folder with a lot of documents and I am using box.com, no one that I share that folder with is able to search for the tags that I add onto them? Because they are not the sole 'owner' of the document? 

    Can I share ownership? Or how is ownership established - is it just whoever uploads it? I was really excited that box had tagging options so my work team could easily find documents when we needed to reference but I've been really disappointed since trying to use this system.


    On a separate note, I've also had a lot of problems using search even when I'm using the name of a document. I even have ensured to use the correct cases of the letters. When I search using a term I know is in a document title, it says that there are no results. I've tested this multiple times and each time I search, it says that there are no results.

    Is this normal for Box?

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  • Julie Thompson

    I am having the same issue. What is the point of tags if you have to a) spell it correctly using same spaces and upper/lower (meaning no pop up to choose from preset tags and b) they aren't even searchable??? This feature is a must for managing assets with teams. 

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