Concrete instructions about batch send and templates
CompletedI've searched your site and teh internet and understand basics of templates; however, it's not clear how to use batch send.
can you send sample csv file and sample template so I can figure this out? or do you have more detailed instructions available?
Is there a way to make a template that ties to a csv with detailed information fields (i.e., new hire - salary, title, email address, phone number, office number, ID number, etc. that can be merged and then sent as individual emails with other docs attached that acknowledge the information and sign where needed? Or is it that each document must be mrged first and the names of the documents are listed in teh CSV with the email recipient? How can you combine this with a template so that we don't have to add the signature, date signed, etc. fields to each document?
Thanks for any info you can share.
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