Shared Link Won't Work For Everyone

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  • France

    Hi Aaron,

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    I see that you are having issue shared an "Open" shared link to one person. This could be due to the person's browser or a network or firewall that could be blocking his access to Box domain.

    If its a browser issue, please have the user try these tips:

    • Clear cache and cookies for your browser. Here is an article that walks through how to do this on the different browsers that Box supports.
    • Try accessing the link using different browsers and see if it makes any difference 
    • Try accessing the link with add-ons or extensions disabled on the browser/s

    If none of these work, it's most likely that the issue is due to the person's network or firewall. If this is the case, please have the user try connecting using a different network and/or try accessing your link with firewall disabled.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks for your participation in the forum and let us know how else we can help!


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