Always defaulting to

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  • France

    Hi Roberto,

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    The subdomain '' is the correct and default domain for Box webapp. Do you encounter an error message when you try to access a specific folder?

    Do you mind providing more details or screenshot of the issue you encounter so we can investigate?

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  • Roberto Sales

    Thanks for the quick reply, France! The specific issue I am having is that I am unable to see a folder created for me by my financial advisors. It is a folder they marked 'Viewable-ClientDocs'. They tell me that they do not use the app version of Box, which is why we are having this issue. I use the links that they provide, but to no avail. Does that mean anything to you?

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  • France

    Hi Roberto, 

    Do you mind sharing a screenshot of what you see when you click the link they shared to you?

    Can you clarify if they used Box or if its another cloud service?

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  • Roberto Sales

    Here are the screenshots for accessing via my client portal on their site (in order):

    So once the window pops up indicating that I have 'Signed in successfully', I close that dialogue box, and my window remains as the previous one which shows 'Sign in to access account'. It never opens a new window, displaying my Weird. It's happening on both my computers.

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  • France

    Hi Robert, 

    I see there is a message below the login window: "Difficulty viewing your Box folders? Make sure any popup-blocker is turned off for this site and that the 3rd party cookies are enabled. You can also access your account directly on outside of this portal."

    And it looks you already tried to login to looking at the first screenshot you shared, however it seems the folder they invited you to access is not in your folder tree. Can you reach out to the user who gave you access to that folder and confirm if you are still listed as a collaborator in the folder? They may have removed your access thus its not showing in your account. They will need to invite you to that folder again to see it in your account. Check out this article on how to invite a collaborator: 

    On the other hand, if they are trying to share a folder to you using a Shared link, please forward this article on how to create a Shared link for you to access: 

    Hope this information helps! If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my best to help you.

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