This topic summarizes known issues with Box Notes.
- If an image is added to a table cell that is wider than the width of the cell, the image will overflow the border of the table cell.
- When a table is wider than the browser viewport, some of the table controls may not always be visible. For example, you may not see a horizontal scroll bar until you attempt to scroll sideways.
- Structural formatting is lost when pasting from Box Notes to Excel desktop, however, formatting is keep when pasting from Excel desktop to Box Notes.
Tables of Contents
- Because Box Notes 2.0 no longer offers Title or Sub-title paragraph styles, pre-Box Notes 2.0 documents that used those styles will not be included in updated tables of contents. Change any paragraphs styles with Title or Sub-Title to any heading-level style to have those paragraphs appear in tables of contents.
- If an image is added to a table cell that is wider than the width of the cell, the image will overflow the border of the table cell.
Copy & Paste
- Because many products format content and images in many different ways, you may see slight formatting changes when you copy from those products and paste into a Box Note.
- Adjacent lists of different types do not always adjust list type correctly when merged into a single list.
Code Blocks
- Annotations & Collaboration Cursors are not yet implemented for Code Blocks.
On-Demand Conversion of Classic Editor to New Editor
- Alignment that has been applied to lists will not be preserved. (The Classic Editor allowed you to apply left, center, or right alignment to lists. The New Editor disables this text alignment for lists, so when Notes are converted to the New Editor, any alignment that was applied in the Classic Editor is removed.)
- Table column sizes will only be accurately preserved if they are based off a standard width (not full width) table.
- Hyperlinks applied to images will not be preserved.
Mobile Compatibility
Box Notes, when access through Mobile, will still be powered by the New Editor, but users won't have access to all of the new features in their Mobile UI. Rest assured, users can still interact with all of the various new components in Notes they have already created, but their ability to insert objects, such as Call Out Box, will be restricted. This section lists these issues.
- Users do not have access to contextual menus in the native mobile app.
- User do not have access to Tables of Contents in the native mobile app.
- Users will have access to view, edit, and delete Call Out Boxes in native mobile app, but not the ability to create Call Out Boxes, or update the background color.
- Users do not have access to create dividers in the native mobile app.
- Users do not have access to create headers, new font styles, or styling in the native mobile app. If these objects are already in Notes they have created, they can interact with them, but not create new ones.
- Users cannot resize images in the native mobile app.
- Users do not have access to create Block Quotes in the native mobile app.
- Users do not have access to use Markdown in the native mobile app.
- Users do not have access to use Typography in the native mobile app.
- Users do not have access to create, edit, or delete Code Blocks in native mobile app.