

  • France

    Hi Todd, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Content uploaded to Box - from a single user with a Personal account to our largest Enterprise accounts - is encrypted in transit when sent through Box's website and Box-created applications, using high-strength TLS 1.2 encryption. Please check this support article for reference.
    If you have additional questions, I would suggest you to check our Box Trust Center to see all the security documentations:

    All the Best, 

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  • Todd Cadby

    Hi France!   Thank you for the response however you did not answer my question and the Box Trust Center does not have it clearly stated as well.  Please advise if Box has Zero Knowledge built into it's software. 

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  • Todd Cadby

    Sending again France, does Box have a zero knowledge platform for the customers?

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  • Todd Cadby

    Dear BOX support and/or community....just posing the same question as I did 6 months ago, but no specific answering my simple question about does BOX offer "zero knowledge" where BOX employees cannot see or open the customers data?   Please advise....thanks! 

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  • Hi Todd,
    Box doesn't support end to end encryption for any of the consumer plans. Box does offer something call key safe that for there bussiness plans. Read more about the service here.

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