Legitimate email or phishing attempt?

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  • I received a similar email chain and wonder if it is a scam?  Please let us know!


    From: Jorie Jenkins <jjenkins@box.com>
    Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 4:09 AM
    Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Your content safety


    This is an EXTERNAL email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you validate the sender and know the content is safe.

    ALWAYS hover over the link to preview the actual URL/site and confirm its legitimacy.




    Any thoughts on my last email? 


    As we work to enable you with a fully functional and safer Box account, it's important for us to better understand how you're using Box today.


    Does next week work for a quick discussion? Let me know and I can send you a calendar invite. 






    Jorie Jenkins

    Enterprise Partnerships


    1. +1(650) 649-5735
    2. +1(832) 343-8404


    Cloud Content Management





    🗓️ Schedule time with me here!

    If you'd like me to stop sending you emails, please click here



    On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 6:25 am, Jorie Jenkins wrote:


    Hi Jamelle,


    My name is Jorie and I work on the team that manages the TRC Companies/Box relationship.


    Reaching out as I noticed you're currently using an unmanaged Box account to collaborate with various external partners and I'm hoping to put the pieces together as to why.


    Do you have 15 mins for a quick call this week or next to discuss? Happy to send an invite accordingly.





    Jorie Jenkins

    Enterprise Partnerships


    1. +1(650) 649-5735
    2. +1(832) 343-8404


    Cloud Content Management





    🗓️ Schedule time with me here!

    If you'd like me to stop sending you emails, please click here

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  • Did either of you get an answer from Box about this?

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  • Lisa Silverwulf

    I never did. I will note I didn't get another email like this again.

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