

  • France

    Hi Tom, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    I'd like to further clarify the feature you are asking about, could you please let us know exactly what VDR index are you looking for and what information it contains?

    We look forward to hear from you!


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  • Box User

    Hi France, 


    By "VDR Index", I mean an excel file, which includes all of the folders and files, sorted by level.

    In addition, unusually it includes columns that indicated the upload date, if changes were made and when, the type of the file (excel,PDF,WORD) and a column with the category (FINANCE, LEAGAL, OPERATIONS,CONTRANCT and etc.). 

    Please see below, photo of an excel file, which represents the Index that I am referring to (from a different project and data site):



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  • France

    Hi Tomer,

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Box offers a similar file that can be exported thru Reports in the Admin Console, it's called "Folders and files" report. I see that your profile in this post is linked to a Personal Free Box, I'm afraid the feature may not available to you as the Report menu is currently only available on Admins of those on Business and higher plans.

    Thanks for reaching out and let us know how else we can help!


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