Box stating storage as full, but only 5mb of files stored???

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  • France

    Hi Daniel, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    The issue that you encounter seems related to what is described in this article: 

    I've ran the script that will recount all of the files and how much storage is being used in your account, so you should now see the correct storage size available in your Box.

    Feel free to write back in if you have any questions for me!

    Best regards,

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  • Hello France,

    Thank you for trying to help.  Sadly, it does not appear to have made any difference. 

    As per the image, it is still showing an incorrect storage number.  Is there perhaps a way to just delete everything and start again?

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  • France

    Hi Daniel,

    Can you try to logout and then re-login to your Box account and see if the changes with your storage now reflected?

    Let me know how it goes and if you have questions!


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  • Hi France,


    Thank you, the issue is now resolved.  

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