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Latest activity by couchsurferz
  • couchsurferz commented,

    Sorry - so what I am hoping is that I could send Box the encrypted html, and have Box open that file (login to the email service), and remove any files contained within. For example, if a xlsx fil...

  • couchsurferz created a post,

    Cisco Registered Envelope encrypted email message securedoc.html

    Is there a way to email Box emails that use Cisco's encrypted envelope service, i.e. the secure html attachments, and have the contents, for example a spreadsheet, exported into Box?

  • couchsurferz commented,

    I was just looking at Zoho Creator - and it offers something like what I was looking for. A sort of set of tools to build forms or "apps" for responses from staff or clients. It would be nice if t...

  • couchsurferz created a post,

    Forms for Box?

    Is there any product or solution to be able to create and then allow users to complete forms electronically and have them populate into Box? Maybe using something like Google Forms, ideally with e...