A Box Doc Gen template is a customized document template that contains published content as well as Box Doc Gen template tags that automatically generate content based on data sourced from multiple sources. Template examples include:
- Invoice templates to send invoices to customers
- Sales contracts template to send contracts to customers
- Offer letter templates to send offer letters to new hire candidate
When you create a document template using Box Doc Gen template tags, you must mark it as a Box Doc Gen template when you upload it to Box.
Box Doc Gen Template Tags
In order to dynamically generate custom documents based on data from a preferred data source, such as a custom application, you must incorporate Box Doc Gen template tags within the Box Doc Gen template in Microsoft Word, and upload that template into Box Doc Gen natively in Box to generate documents automatically.
Box Doc Gen template tags include text, images, tables, lists, or blocks of content, all of which can be added conditionally. Box Doc Gen template tags can also be used to generate dynamic content based on specific conditional logic, or even perform arithmetic calculations.
When Box Doc Gen initiates a document generation process, it automatically identifies the Box Doc Gen template tags, matches them with the fields in the input JSON data, and replaces the template tags with data sourced from your preferred data source.
Input data
Input data holds all the dynamic information that gets replaced by actual data when a Box Doc Gen template is used.
Box Doc Gen uses the input data to replace the template tags when generating an output document.
Output document
The output document is generated once the JSON data merges with the template.