This feature is available only on Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise Advanced accounts.
If you are looking to transfer Relay Workflow ownership workflows to another user, you can initiate the process in the workflow builder page.
Note: Admin Permissions
Because only admins can configure template publishing permissions in the admin console, only admins can set those permissions for users. If you're an admin, be sure to enable the correct permissions prior to your users starting a workflow transfer process.
For more information on enabling permissions as admin, refer to the Enabling Box Relay for your Organization article.
Prior to starting, make sure your admin has given you publishing permission. If not, contact your admin.
Note: you can transfer only one workflow at a time to another user.
To transfer Relay Workflow ownership:
- Open Relay from the Box Navigation menu.
- Hover over the workflow you want to transfer. Click the ellipsis and select Transfer to Users.
- Enter the user receiving the Workflow ownership.
- Review the user information before completing the process. Click Transfer.
- The system alerts you if an email is incorrect or an external user is being added.
Once complete, a notification is displayed to indicate the transfer was successful.