To use Box Sign with Salesforce, refer to the installation instructions and contact your admin for details regarding the settings selected for your organization.
The instructions below are current as of September 8, 2023, but may vary depending on changes made to the Salesforce interface which is outside of Box’s control.
Creating a Sign Request
To create a Sign request, log into your Salesforce account and edit Box Settings to authenticate your user account.
From Box Settings, in the Log in as a Box User section, click the Connect Account button and log in to your Box account.
Available options in the settings are determined by an admin. If you're missing an option, contact your Salesforce admin.
After completing the authentication process, create your signature request.
- Click the Send Box Sign button created by your Salesforce Admin.
- The button’s name may differ as it can be customized by an Admin.
- Select up to 10 files you want to send for signature.
- Add the appropriate recipients.
- You can define the recipient's role. By default, recipients have the Signer role.
- You can define when the signature request will be received. By default, all recipients receive a signature request at the same time.
- Complete the email subject and message boxes.
- Enable/disable automatic reminders sent to Signers.
- Click Send to instantly send the document or Preview & Send to preview the signature request. You can add additional input and signature fields in preview.
The sender and all recipients receive a copy of the signed document by default.
Users sending documents for signature for the first time or in a new browser are asked to enable pop-ups upon clicking Preview and Send.
You can automate creating Sign requests process by using template tags. For more information, see Creating templates using tags.
After you create and send the document, you can check the status of the request on the Box Sign homepage or in the Signs Related List within Salesforce.
By default, the documents are stored in the selected Box folder. These documents are accessible in Salesforce in the main Box Lightning component. You can also store signed documents within Salesforce.
Additionally, to populate and sync fields within Salesforce with the contents of the fields completed by recipients in the signature request, modify the "Box Sign Write Back - Opportunity" Flow Template. For example, if a recipient of a Box Sign signature request is completing an order form that includes a "PO Number" field: after the recipient fills the "PO Number" field, the system gets the contents of the signature request's "PO Number" field and puts those contents into Salesforce's "PO Number" field.
Contact your Salesforce admin to adjust any fields you find unnecessary or helpful.