Thank you for using Box Shuttle, Box’s content migration offering. We’re here to support you in your data migration journey. Every migration is unique, and it can be tricky to move data between disparate systems. Box Shuttle acts as an intermediary between various content management systems, allowing for the easy transfer of folders, files, permissions, and metadata from these platforms to Box.
When moving your data to the cloud, there are many things to consider. This guide focuses on the specific scenario of moving data from Windows systems or Network File Shares to Box. This includes how-to procedures, best practices, and configuration steps. Follow the steps and recommendations below for a successful migration.
Note: Box Shuttle is built on technology from Tervela Cloud FastPath (CFP), an acquired company of Box. References to CFP in this guide represent Box-owned technology assets
Sources and targets
The source is an origin location. This is where the data starts in the migration process and acts as the “from” in this use. Box Shuttle cannot alter or modify your source data.
The target is an end destination - Box! This is where the data is at the end of the migration process and is the “to” in this context.
A job is a task that you are executing in Box Shuttle, specifically migrating data from the source to the Box target.
There are two distinct job types: Analysis and Migrate Data. An Analysis job is excellent at the start of your migration to help you with migration and job planning. It analyzes every specified item in your source and provides a robust report.
Migrate Data jobs perform the data transfer and have additional options for applying permissions with more detailed actions. Additionally, Migrate Data jobs run a simulation before an actual data transfer. Simulations allow you to do a “mock run” of the transfer job without transferring any live data.
We highly recommend running a simulation before transferring any live data to reveal potential incompatibilities between source and target and to verify target accounts and path structure. Simulations help document additional properties such as where data is going on the target and who has access to it.
Some simulation incompatibilities for Box include files larger than the max size supported and unsupported system files, such as thumbs.db or other similar extensions.
1. Analyze your Windows source
Why run an “Analyze Data” job? While Analysis jobs are optional, they are highly recommended. Legacy servers often accumulate years of data that you may not want to take with you to Box. Running an Analysis may help you understand your source data at a deeper level in order to plan for a successful migration.
Use the Analysis report to make more informed migration decisions when evaluating planning times, which departments or sections to migrate first, and how best to migrate your users and their data.
The Analysis report presents information about what kind of data there is, how old it is, how much you have and how it is distributed across users and filesystems, and who has access to that data. Analysis report details make it easier to divide a large complicated job into smaller more manageable jobs, and make informed decisions on what to move and what to leave behind. This allows big projects to finish more quickly, cost-effectively, with fewer conflicts, and allowing for more efficient delta runs.
The following instructions guide you through the process of setting up your source system and beginning an analysis of the files and folders in the origin location.
1.1 Analysis job instructions
- On the Box Shuttle / Cloud FastPath home page, click the + icon to create a new job. If you already have previous jobs, the icon is at the top right of the page.
- The next page prompts you with two options. Start with an Analysis job. Click “Analyze Data” to navigate to the next page.
1.2 Connecting to your Windows source
Once you create a Windows source, all future jobs have access to that system. Use the instructions below to configure your Windows source system.
The configuration options are available at the “Choose source system” page for any respective job. Download the Windows app close to or at the server that has the data to prepare the system. If installing the Windows app on a local computer with an account logged in, all personal files are accessible.
1.2.1 Connection instructions
- Under the “Configure a new system” section, click the Windows icon.
- Continue setting up the Windows as a system configuration by clicking “Download Windows App”. The Windows App is also available for download on the Cloud FastPath website. This installs the necessary content migration technology resources.
- Once the file download completes, open the file and follow the prompts when launching the installer.
- The pop-up box from your system tray expands for additional steps.
- If the box does not pop-up on your device, right click the cloud icon in your system tray and select Register Computer.
- If the box does not pop-up on your device, right click the cloud icon in your system tray and select Register Computer.
- The input fields for Computer Name and Service Address fields have the information included. Enter your Box Shuttle (CFP) username in the email field and your Box Shuttle (CFP) password in the password field. This may be different than your Box credentials.
- The password is the same as when you registered for CFP.
- The Key field does not require an input.
- Click Register and access the Settings from Menu.
- The “LAUNCH ON LOGIN” option automatically restarts the Windows App when the installing user logs in. This is the default selection.
- The “RUN AS WINDOWS SERVICE” option continues transferring data after the Windows App’s installing user has logged out. See Windows App as a Service for details on setting up Windows App as a Service.
- If your device already has the necessary content migration technology, continue by clicking “I already installed Windows App and registered my PC”.
- On the next page, select the respective computer system as the configuration for the job.
1.3 Starting your Analysis job
After setting up your source system, you are ready to begin your “Analyze Data” job.
1.3.1 Instructions for an Analysis job
- Once you have set up your Windows source connection, select one of two analysis options.
- “Choose specific folders” opens the file explorer for the source system. Select specific directories or folders to analyze. The arrow at the top left of the file explorer returns the navigation up one folder in the directory. After selecting, click “OK” to continue.
- Click “Cancel” to return to the previous page without specifying a selection.
- Click “Clear Selections” to unselect all folders and files.
- “Analyze everything” analyzes all the data in the selected source system.
The next page contains the configuration summary.- Click the “Schedule” icon to set a date and time to start the job.
- The “Rename” icon lets you change the name of the Analysis job. The full text is highlighted when changing the name.
- Click “Analyze” to start the Analysis job. It may take some time to complete.
- The upper-right corner of the page shows current activity and all updates to the job.
- Click “View Results” to see details from the Analysis job.
- “Stop” stops the job before it is complete.
- When the analysis is complete, the page displays statistics in a table below. Your Analysis job results are available in multiple options. See Section 1.4 Understanding Analysis Results below for more information. Click the “Done” icon to return to the home page.
1.4 Understanding your Analysis results
In an “Analyze Data” job, Box Shuttle scans every item selected in the source. This includes any specified files and folders. The job accesses your source data and does not migrate any data. It does not change any part of the data in the source.
When complete, Box Shuttle creates a robust and informative report on your source data.
1.4.1 Instructions
- On the home page, clicking a job expands the window to show more information. When an Analysis job is done, “View Results” shows up on the bottom left of the window. Click it to continue.
- The Analysis Results page has all the details about this “Analyze Data” job. “Done” returns you to the home page.
- Analysis Statistics displays a bar chart of the results. “Filter” on the right shows additional options for the data. Clicking on a category displays configuration options for input.
- Analysis Results provides two options for viewing data, the “See Results In Table” and “Export in XLSX” buttons.
- “See Results in Table” takes you to the Cloud FastPath interface to view results. The column headers show the Filename, Size/Type, Owner, Last Modified, and Created.
- “Filter” on the right shows additional options for the data.
- “Export in XLSX” creates a downloadable file. Download the file by clicking “Excel icon: Export Results in XLSX”.
- Each column has respective labels. The “A…” column changes the display for the text. It cycles through shortening the text display as follows
- "A..." displays the first characters and shortens the rest of the line.
- "...A" shortens the beginning of the line and displays the last characters
- "A...B" displays both the first and last characters and shortens the middle text
- “Export in XLSX” creates a downloadable file. Download the file by clicking “Excel icon: Export Results in XLSX”.
- "Job History" shows the log of the job runs.
- Analysis Statistics displays a bar chart of the results. “Filter” on the right shows additional options for the data. Clicking on a category displays configuration options for input.
1.5 Strategies for job creation
When planning a data transfer between locations, the tools in Box Shuttle help reduce errors and conflicts in the process. Rather than migrating everything in one big job based on your analysis results, you may decide on a multi-job migration strategy.
1.5.1 Why is it important?
Data migration jobs are extensive tasks. Job accuracy and completeness require time. It may take a job more time to migrate a substantial number of small files, rather than a few large ones.
Alleviate these issues with data migration transfer plans based on Analysis jobs of your data. Creating smaller data migration jobs reduces overall wait time for entire projects. Multiple jobs allow for more flexibility, and allow you to run multiple deltas easier. These, in conjunction with schedules and timing, reduce the barriers to completing large data migration projects.
1.5.2 What strategies are helpful?
Each data migration project is unique. Separating your project into a manageable number of jobs is an ideal strategy. Prioritizing certain categories depends on the data migration project. Prioritize multiple shorter, smaller jobs over a single large job.
For example, one directory may be larger than the others combined and would benefit from having its own data migration job. Another way of separating jobs may be to stagger jobs outside of busy network times for more reliable transfer speeds.
A job delta includes running a job again to update for new data from the source and migrate to target, and is an important aspect of planning projects. Repeated runs of this job are helpful and benefit from multiple smaller jobs. This improves accuracy and efficiency for the entire project in accounting for various changes.
Table of data characteristics
The categories below describe properties to consider when creating a data migration project. Each category has unique benefits for grouping into multiple jobs.
Category | Description |
Size | How large or small files are or how many files there are |
User | How an organization categorizes users |
Permission | What users have privileges and rights to files |
Date | When the files created or modified |
Type | What the formats are for the files |
Path structure | Where the files are |
NOTE: Factors such as network speed, connection stability, and bandwidth congestion may impact the total duration of the data migration project.
2. Migrate data
A “Migrate Data” job moves files from a source location (Windows disk, network file share) to your target location, Box. This job is a data transfer. Transfer jobs set up migrating data from one location to another. Box Shuttle requires two connected systems to run a job.
When creating an initial data transfer job, there are three types of data transfer jobs available: “Migrate Data,” “Migrate Ownership,” and “Migrate Permissions.” This section features “Migrate Ownership” and “Migrate Permissions” in addition to “Migrate Data.”
Job title | Description | Article location |
“Migrate Data” |
Moves files and folders Does not apply ownership or permissions Required selection |
Section 2.1 Setting Up Your Data Migration |
“Migrate Ownership” | Migrates Data and maps owner properties from source to target | Section 4.3 Migrate Ownership |
“Migrate Permissions” | Includes “Migrate Data” and “Migrate Ownership” as well as maps and migrates sharing privileges | Section 4.4 Migrate Permissions |
2.1 Setting up your data migration
Start your data migration project by selecting “Migrate Data” to transfer files from your source to Box.
2.1.1 Introduction
Data migration jobs go through several configuration steps before beginning to move data from a source to the Box target.
In a basic data migration job, configuring the source and the Box target require preparing each system with map file location selections. This job only involves the files/folders and does not include ownership or permissions.
To migrate the ownership and/or permission information, Box Shuttle prepares Account Mapping configurations. See Section 4. Ownership and Permissions for more information.
2.1.2 Instructions
- On the home page, click the + icon at the top right of the page to create a new job.
- Click the “Migrate Data” icon on the right. The icon expands and displays three migration options with checkboxes. Click the “Continue” button to proceed.
- Select “Migrate Data” only. This job only moves data from one location to another.
- Specify the configured Windows system.
- To configure a new source, view Section 1.2 Connecting to Your Windows Source.
- At the “Choose target system” page, click the Box destination system.
- To transfer data into Box, you must be able to authenticate into Box as an administrator. Co-administrators will not be able to access the user profiles of other co-admins nor the account administrator. By authenticating as the admin, you can move data from multiple accounts on a source transfers to the corresponding accounts on the Box target with no risk of missing access to corresponding user accounts.
- Confirm your account information and click “Continue” if required.
- To transfer data into Box, you must be able to authenticate into Box as an administrator. Co-administrators will not be able to access the user profiles of other co-admins nor the account administrator. By authenticating as the admin, you can move data from multiple accounts on a source transfers to the corresponding accounts on the Box target with no risk of missing access to corresponding user accounts.
- On the next page, answer “What do you want to migrate?” with two source folder options for data migration. Clicking a button continues the data migration process.
- “Choose specific folders” brings up a file explorer for the source content. Navigate to the specific folder by clicking the folder names. Click and Shift-click files to add them to the data migration job. Clicking “Cancel” returns you to the previous screen without selecting files or folders. To confirm your file and folder selection, click “OK” on the bottom right.
- “Migrate everything” selects all files and folders from the source.
- On the “Choose account to migrate to” page, click the specific account to use in the data migration. Click “Continue” to proceed.
- Use the “Search icon” to look for specific accounts to add.
- A pop up at the bottom of the screen also prompts a .CSV file download for local editing, if needed. Select an appropriate action to continue.
- Click “Download CSV” to download a file to the local device. If you have a CSV file prepared, upload the file to Cloud FastPath by clicking “Upload CSV”. The “X” button continues to the next section without any action on CSV files.
- At the next “Where do you want to transfer all data?” page, you have the option to transfer data to a new folder as well as maintaining the root folder of the Box target. Click the button for your respective action to continue.
- “Create a new folder” prompts you to type in a new name in the “Give a name to the new folder” text box. Click “Continue” to move on or “Cancel” to return to the previous page.
- “Root folder” uses the source folder structure within the Box target directory. This uses the Box target directory as-is.
- The next page is the job summary page. The information below contains bandwidth, source system, migrating folders, and Box target system. To continue with the job, click “Run Simulation”.
- “Run Simulation” runs an estimation on how fast the job will run with its current configuration. When the simulation finishes, view the results for more information about potential performance of the “Migrate Data” job. We recommend running a simulation prior to migrating live data.
- “Transfer” directly starts the data migration process without a Simulation job.
- “Schedule” sets a specific date and time in the future for the “Migrate Data” job to run. This option also allows for scheduling the job behind the queue of another job running.
- “Rename” lets you change the name of the Analysis job. The full text is highlighted when changing the name.
Prepare to run a simulation of a job before migrating any data. A simulation helps provide additional information about the job before transferring any data. Plan an effective and efficient series of jobs based on your configurations. Proceed to data migration when ready after reviewing the results of the simulation.
3. Simulation
A migration simulation enables you to have a trial run of your migration, without migrating any live data. This is an incredible opportunity to get ahead of any issues and human error. Running simulations before migrating your data helps reduce errors, maintain accuracy, and increase efficiency.
While optional, we highly recommend running migration simulations prior to migrating data. These comprehensive jobs take time to complete. You can also run simulations between job delta runs to see exactly how much data would be transferred in the next run.
For example, the points below are common scenarios for a simulation.
- After setting up your first job
- Coordinated with job configuration changes
- If data on your source or Box target changes significantly (including data being moved or renamed)
- Migrating permissions
“Run Simulation” appears after successfully configuring a “Migrate Data” job. The button is also on the job summary page as well as the home page when clicking and expanding the job.
When the simulation job has finished, the reports tell you what files would have transferred, how many bytes of data would have transferred, and what files, if any, would be deleted. Additional simulation benefits:
- Identifies the size of content on the source, the number of files, and total bytes.
- Assesses how many files and bytes transfer during synchronization runs. Also identifies files that transfer during the sync. This is helpful for evaluating whether or not to run the sync.
- More quickly identifies and troubleshoots transfer errors, such as Access denied, when comparing results to a direct transfer. Simulation jobs help evaluate drive and network connectivity problems.
- Determines estimated time to complete a data migration, and potential congestion issues impacting transfer speed.
3.1 Instructions
- At the job summary page when completed with all configuration options, you can see a simulation option. This is available for any of the “Migrate Data” job configurations.
- Click “Run Simulation” to perform a trial run estimation of the migration job.
- When starting, a status icon displays to the right of the job name.
- After the simulation is complete, click “View Results” to visit the summary page.
- This page contains an estimation of how much time the data transfer will take with the current configuration. Live data transfer results may differ.
- The “Simulation Statistics” table shows a chart of the files. To change the applied filters, click the “Filter” icon on the top right or one of the buttons below the table.
- The “Simulation Results” section takes you to view results. The information in the column headers corresponds to the specific simulated job.
- “Export in XLSX” creates a downloadable file. Download the file by clicking “Excel icon: Export Results in XLSX”.
- Job History shows the log of the actions for the job with the “History” button to the right.
- Click “Done” to return to the home page or click “Transfer” to start the data migration job.
3.2 Understanding your simulation results
Viewing results allows you to filter based on the status of files. The table below displays the various status updates and their respective meaning. When reviewing the results, check for potential issues or errors prior to migrating your data.
Error | Description |
Read-error | Most are permissions related. These must be resolved in the source system. |
Write-error | Related to issues writing data to target. |
Filtered | Indicates data that will not be migrated. |
Match-exists | Up-to-date copy of file or folder already exists on target: source and target are synced. |
Success | File should transfer with no errors. |
Partial-success | File should transfer successfully, although with missing metadata. |
Source-missing | Typically indicates files were found on the target that are not on source. |
Size-exceeded | The file is larger than the target supports. |
4. Ownership and permissions
For migrating ownership and permissions, Box Shuttle examines source file/folder permission properties. The examination results provide a list of mapping subjects as well as potential errors.
Then, Box Shuttle maps source subjects to Box target subjects. To continue with the job, each pairing of source users and groups to target users and groups undergoes processing. The processing results display potential errors among file/folder and subject paths.
This type of job moves the data from one location to another and preserves content ownership, but omits all other permissions. To migrate all existing permissions, see Section 4.4 Migrate Permissions.
The “Migrate Ownership” strategy is helpful for manually setting sharing permissions in Box. In this situation, examples include unnecessary original file/folder permissions or a centralized system or user group being the only subjects using the items in a target.
This configuration for data migration transfers files, ownership rights and permissions from one location to another. This option includes “Migrate Data” as well as “Migrate Ownership” in the data transfer process.
This strategy is helpful for complete management of files, accounts, and privileges throughout the entire data migration process. With this job, examples include a comprehensive data transfer project involving multiple users, accounts, and groups with varying permissions.
4.1 Account Mapping
Account mapping is the tool for associating a source user account with a user account on the target. Transferring multiple users’ files and folders without users losing access to content as a part of a migration is simple after matching accounts. This is an essential component to both the “Migrate Ownership” and “Migrate Permissions” migration strategies.
Box Shuttle attempts to map users automatically. For example, a user and their respective files with username on your local network may automatically match to a Box user account with the email address Additionally, permissions assigned to groups such as Engineering, regional offices or restricted-access entities such as Legal map to their corresponding target groups.
To accomplish this, Box Shuttle takes an inventory of all the users, groups, and permissions on the source when initially scanning the content. After an examination, the next step is processing to scan target users and groups. Processing confirms the owner’s and share’s permissions, paths on the target, and automatically matches according to best possible fit. Account mapping accelerates and simplifies large, multi-user data transfers.
4.2 Permission Conflicts
Box Shuttle provides you options for when permission conflicts occur between source and target. When transferring data from a source to a target, Box Shuttle determines whether ownership or permissions are compatible between the two. See the table below for selecting how to process the data migration for compatibility issues.
Expand permissions | Adds permissions to child folders or files if they have fewer permissions than a parent.![]() |
Restrict permissions | Removes permissions from parent folder if a child has fewer permissions than the parent.![]() |
Skip files that have conflicts |
These folders or files are not transferred in the data migration because they have reduced permissions relative to a parent. They display as “filtered” in results. |
4.2.1 BUILTIN\Administrators
BUILTIN\Administrators is an administrative user group in the Windows operating system. This group often establishes user accounts. BUILTIN\Administrators only appears in your job if that group owns or shares some of the data you selected for transfer.
In some cases, the BUILTIN\Administrators group owns user folders from when first provisioning users’ accounts. If this administrative user group is an owner of data on the source, the best practice is to map permissions to a specific group or admin account on the target.
During Account Mapping, Box Shuttle must map an account path on the source to an account on the target. This applies to BUILTIN\Administrators as well.
4.3 Migrate ownership
This type of job moves the data from one location to another and preserves content ownership, but omits all other permissions. To migrate all existing permissions, see Section 4.4 Migrate Permissions.
The “Migrate Ownership” strategy is helpful for manually setting sharing permissions in Box. In this situation, examples include unnecessary original file/folder permissions or a centralized system or user group being the only subjects using the items in a target.
4.3.1 Instructions
- When continuing a “Migrate Data” job with “Migrate Ownership” selected, Box Shuttle allows you to choose how to resolve permission conflicts during the data transfer process. Select the option appropriate for your data migration job. See Section 4.2 Permission Conflicts for additional info.
- Expand permissions
- Restrict permissions
- Skip files that have conflicts
- At the “Select and map file locations” page, click on the “Folder” icon to select the relevant folders for the job. Click the box to the left of the folder name to toggle whether or not the folder is included in the job. Click “Done” when finished.
- Clicking the “Folder” icon next to a folder’s name displays that folder’s subfolder content. The “choose target location” button in the file directory interface displays the available location in the target system for the respective folder. Click “Done” to return to the “Select and map file locations” page.
- Use the “magnifying glass” icon to locate specific files.
- “Hide unchecked” displays only the selected folders.
- “Default folder” allows you to create a new parent folder.. This becomes the parent folder within the target system.
- The “choose target location” button displays the available target accounts. Click on the account name to continue or the folder icon to enter the folder directory for that account.
NOTE: Windows permissions can be configured to break permission inheritance. This is incompatible with Box’s waterfall permissioning model. The result are permissions conflicts between source and target mappings. Resolve these conflicts by either allowing more permissions, removing permissions, or skipping the files entirely.
- Clicking the “Folder” icon next to a folder’s name displays that folder’s subfolder content. The “choose target location” button in the file directory interface displays the available location in the target system for the respective folder. Click “Done” to return to the “Select and map file locations” page.
- Box Shuttle ensures user accounts map correctly from the source to the target with an examination. Click “Examine” to continue with the job. “Cancel” returns you to the “Select and map drives” page.
- If Box Shuttle finds errors examining the source, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- The Examination errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. Review the list of errors for guidance on how to resolve them. For example, in some cases, you may have to add access for the Windows admin to the affected files or folders. Click “Re-examine paths” to run the examination once again after changing the paths. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
- The Examination errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. Review the list of errors for guidance on how to resolve them. For example, in some cases, you may have to add access for the Windows admin to the affected files or folders. Click “Re-examine paths” to run the examination once again after changing the paths. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
- If Box Shuttle finds errors examining the source, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- When Box Shuttle completes the examination, review the generated Map groups table. Complete the target assignment with the “choose target” buttons under the “Target users and groups” column. Click “Continue” when finished.
- The “choose target group” or “choose target user” text boxes display a drop down list for you to select a Target Group or Target User. Box Shuttle automatically populates best fit matching source and target pairs.
- Unchecking the box for a user/group omits any sharing for them on the target.
NOTE: BUILTIN\Administrators is a unique group to Windows devices. See Section 4.2 Permission Conflicts for more information.
- In order to continue, Box Shuttle processes the location as well as the group mappings. Click “Process” to continue.
- If Box Shuttle finds errors between processing the location and subject mappings, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- The Mapping errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
- The Mapping errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
- If Box Shuttle finds errors between processing the location and subject mappings, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- The last step is on the job summary page. View the source system, target system, permission-conflict resolution strategy, path mappings, and the subject mappings. From here, select an action to continue.
- “Run Simulation” in Box Shuttle runs an estimation on how this job will perform on a transfer run with its current configuration. When the simulation finishes, view the results for more information about potential performance of the job.
- “Transfer” immediately starts the data migration.
Note: It is recommended to start with a Simulation before doing a transfer. - “Schedule” allows you to set a specific date and time for the job to run. This option also allows for scheduling the job behind the queue of another job running.
4.4 Migrate permissions
This configuration for data migration transfers files, ownership rights and permissions from one location to another. This option includes “Migrate Data” as well as “Migrate Ownership” in the data transfer process. The instructions below guide you through each step of the process.
4.4.1 Instructions
- When continuing a “Migrate Data” job with “Migrate Permissions” selected, you can to choose how to resolve permission conflicts during the data transfer process. Select the option appropriate for your data migration job. See Section 4.2 Permission Conflicts above for additional details.
- Expand permissions
- Restrict permissions
- Skip files that have conflicts
NOTE: Windows has a more flexible structure for folder and file permissions than Box. These conflicts resolve by either allowing more permissions, removing permissions, or skipping the files/folders entirely.
- At the “Select and map file locations” page, navigate to the appropriate files and folders for the data migration job with the “Folder” icon. Click “Continue” when finished.
- The “Folder” icon displays the folder children and files in that parent directory. The “choose target location” displays the available location in the target system for the respective folder. Click “Done” to return to the “Select and map file locations” page.
- Use the “magnifying glass” icon to locate specific files.
- “Hide unchecked” displays only the selected folders.
- “Default folder” allows you to create a new parent folder with the “Create a new folder” icon. This becomes the parent folder within the target system.
- The “choose target location” displays the available locations within the target system. Select the appropriate folder and click on the “>” arrow.
- Box Shuttle runs an examination on accounts permissions mapping from the source to the target. Click “Examine” to continue with the job. “Cancel” returns you to the “Select and map drives” page.
- If errors are found examining the source, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- The examination errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. “Re-examine paths” runs the examination once again. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
- The examination errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. “Re-examine paths” runs the examination once again. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
- If errors are found examining the source, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- When the examination is complete, review the generated Map groups table. Complete the target assignment with the “choose target” boxes under the “Target users and groups” column.
- The “choose target group” or “choose target user” text boxes display a drop down list for you to select a Target Group or Target User. The tool automatically populates best fit matching source and target pairs.
- Unchecking the box for a group omits that user or group as a share from account permission mapping.
NOTE: BUILTIN\Administrators is a unique group to Windows devices. See Section 4.2 Permission Conflicts for more information.
- In order to continue, Box Shuttle processes the location as well as the group mappings. Click “Process” to continue. Click “Done” when processing is complete.
- If Box Shuttle finds errors between processing the location and subject mappings, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- The Mapping errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
- The Mapping errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
- If Box Shuttle finds errors between processing the location and subject mappings, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- Next, you are routed to the job summary page. The information below contains the bandwidth, source system, target system, the actions for conflicts when migrating permissions, the path mappings, and the subject mappings. Select your next respective action to continue.
- “Run Simulation” runs an estimated model on how this job performs with its current configuration.
- “Transfer” directly begins migrating data to Box.
- “Schedule” sets the job to run at a specific date and time in the future.
- After completing a Simulation job, click “Transfer” to begin the job.
- While the transfer is running, updates to the job are on the right of the job page. When completed, the page displays a summary of the data transfer as well as other information. Click “Done” to return to the home page.
- The “Transfer Statistics” table shows a chart of the files. To change the applied filters, click on the “Filter” icon on the top right or one of the buttons below the table.
- “Transfer Results” takes you to view results. The information in the column headers contains the Source, Size/Type, Target Account, Status, Transfer Start, and Modified Time.
- “Export in XLSX” creates a downloadable file. Download the file by clicking on “Excel icon: Export Results in XLSX”.
- Job History shows the log of the actions for the job with “History” to the right.
4.4.2 Examination errors
When errors are identified for files or folders during an examination, view the results in the following section. For multiple files or folders with conflicts, the “Group by error” icon displays them in the table.
To continue with the job, select between the two options:
- “Re-examine paths” runs through the examination again. This does not change the configuration. If changing the source, the target, or any of the file paths, use the arrow buttons at the top of the page.
- “Skip paths and continue” ignores the specific error paths and files. The files or data in the folders do not migrate.
If errors are found between processing the location and subject mappings, see the conflicts by clicking “View Errors”.
- The Mapping errors page displays a table of the errors. If needed, “Download the full list of paths” provides a .CSV file for your reference. Click “Skip paths and continue” to omit the file paths and leave the page.
5. Complete the transfer
Continue with your data migration job and complete the transfer of files and folders from the source to the target.
5.1 Instructions
- Navigate to the configured job when ready. Click the job title to expand a window with job options.
- “Run Simulation” begins a test run estimate of the data migration job.
- “Configure” returns you to the job summary page. Navigate back and forth between pages with the arrow buttons at the top of the page.
- “Schedule” sets the “Migrate Data” job at a specific date and time.
- Click “Transfer” to begin the data migration.
- When starting, a status icon appears to the right of the job name.
- When the data transfer is complete, click “View Results” to visit the summary page.
- This page contains statistics and information on how the data transfer performed with the current configuration.
- The “Transfer Statistics” table shows a chart of the files. To change the applied filters, click the “Filter” icon on the top right or one of the buttons below the table. Click on the category to display a dropdown menu for additional configuration.
- “Transfer Results” takes you to view results. The information in the column headers corresponds to the specific transfer job.
- “Export in XLSX” creates a downloadable file. Download the file by clicking “Excel icon: Export Results in XLSX”.
- Job History shows the Cloud FastPath log of the actions for the job with “History” to the right.
- This page contains statistics and information on how the data transfer performed with the current configuration.
- Click “Done” to return to the home page
This guide supports your data projects with the “Analyze Data” job and the “Migrate Data” job in Box Shuttle to learn about your data and transfer it from one location to another in your Box target. In addition, transferring file information such as ownership and permissions provides more detailed data migration project management.
Need more?
Return to a section of this guide to get more assistance:
- Introduction
- Sources and targets
- Jobs
- 1. Analyze your Windows source
- 2. Migrate data
- 3. Simulation
- 4. Ownership and permissions
- 5. Complete the transfer
- Review
- Summary table
- Resources
- Cloud FastPath Windows App download link
- Windows App as a Service