Unable to Change Link Expiration

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  • Rona

    Hi Alexis, 

    Welcome to Box Community and I'm here to assist! 

    We have created a new case and a member of our team will contact you through email, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Sean Alob


    Was there a solution to this Post?

    Thank you!

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  • Carney, Curt

    I also would like to know the answer.

    I wish to extend the duration of a link that is expiring soon, and I was not able to figure it out by trial & error.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Andrew Popp

    This seems like an important function to add. I just uploaded my first file and sent the link to it without realizing it was only good for one day. Now I have no way to change this. Sure, I could send another link with an apology, but not super professional IMO. 

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  • Carney, Curt

    I did not find a way to modify existing links, but I did find two work-arounds that allow you to make links that don't expire. (I'm pretty sure about this, but I have not thoroughly tested these yet).

    First, on the panel where you make the shared link, there is a 'button' for "Link Settings".  If you click on that, Box opens another panel where you can alter--or even turn off--the link disable date.  See the screen captures below.

    Second, you can invite a person to be a collaborator instead of sending a link.  AFIK this works the same for them as having a link--they can still do whatever is allowed by the permissions you assign to them--but with no disable date.  The other person does not need to be part of your organization, but it appears that they need to have a Box account.  [If they don't already have one, they can quickly make a free account.]

    Hope y'all find this helpful.


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