How can I share Web App integration with other collaborated developers?

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    Hello Taku, 


    They will need to add the app to their account in order to have it show up as an option under the integrations menu on their folders. To do that: 


    1. Each user should visit the application in their developer console 

    2. Navigate to the App Gallery option on the left hand panel 

    3. Click the blue button that says "submit by app" - we aren't going to actually submit the app for publishing, we just need to get to another link on this page 

    4. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page click "preview" (See first screenshot below) 

    5. This will launch a new tab where the user can click "add" (See second screenshot below) 




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  • Taku Mizuguchi

    Hi Kourtney, 

    Through the steps you posted works very well! Thank you for your help. 

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  • Abhishek Shelke

    Thank You,

    I was facing the issue. Now its resolved.

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