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Latest activity by seanlake
  • seanlake commented,

    When I click SAVE, where does it SAVE it to?  Can I find it and copy it for other forms?

  • seanlake created a post,

    File request - saved but where?

    Good day! I created a File Request Form, all done, but now I can't find the folder that it was created in.  I know it was saved as I pressed saved many time to be sure.     Can you assist?

  • seanlake created a post,

    Box folder analytics


    Hello and good day! Is there a way to either generate reports of folder activity or view folder activity. We have bookmarks to some content, so is there a way to view activity based on whomever acc...

  • seanlake commented,

    Hi Rona! Thanks for hopping in.  The text is part of the folder structure: So the idea would be to go through all our folders, and rid any mention of 5.00, or 500, etc.

  • seanlake created a post,

    Search and Replace or remove text in folders


    Hey all. Is there a way to search Box folders for a specific text, e.g. blah blah_500, and then remove it, e.g. 500.  I want to remove all indications in a certain Box folder of 500. Is there a way?

  • seanlake commented,

    I've had to come up with some interesting folder structures in order to ensure secured files are not accessible by anyone other than whom I provide access to.  This leads to some oddness, needless ...

  • seanlake commented,

    Thanks Rona! Yes, this all makes sense logically.  I've tested the folder permissions with an outside email, and voila, it works beautifully.  The bookmark leads the to the folder and nothing else....

  • seanlake created a post,

    Box users - override Bookmark permissions?


    Hey All,  If we require some of our customers to create accounts in order to give them limited access as a viewer(which I'm assuming we can), versus just giving them box links(shared as viewers), w...

  • seanlake commented,

    Thanks.   Yeah, I understand how the permissions go, and unfortunately, it's forced me to figure work arounds, which does make it more difficult to share certain content, and store said content.  I...

  • seanlake commented,

    Below, as you can see, the combined total file size does not match the folder property's total file size.  I own the folder, so why is this?  Something in a cache perhaps?  Client asked if they wer...