Box Tools is the installer package for both Box Edit and Device Trust functionality. The Device Trust component is used only if your administrator has enabled Device Trust for your Box account.
Before installing Box Tools, ensure your .NET framework version is .NET 4.8 or higher.
To install Box Tools on your computer:
- Go to and download the appropriate Box Tools installer for your operating system.
- Run the Box Tools installer, and follow the prompts to install or update Box Tools on your computer.
- If you use the Safari browser (macOS only), you'll need to perform the following additional steps:
- In main menubar at the top of the Safari window, click Safari then select Settings.
- In the Extensions tab, check Box Tools. If Box Tools is not listed, relaunch Safari and start again.
- In the Extensions tab, with Box Tools checked, click Edit Websites.
- Set to Allow.
For more information for IT administrators about deploying Box Tools:
Please see Large Scale Deployments: Box Tools
More information regarding Device Trust:
In addition to Box Edit, the Box Tools installer also installs Box's Device Trust functionality. If your Box administrator has not enabled Device Trust, Box does not use the Device Trust component. If your Box administrator has enabled Device Trust, Box uses the Device Trust component the next time you log in.