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I am currently experiencing a malfunction with the BOXdrive application and it's causing significant inconvenience for me. After opening the app and navigating to the login screen on the browser as shown in the image below:
An error message is displayed as shown in the image below:
Alternatively, it opens BOX on the browser. I want it to be displayed on the MAC Finder as before, but it hasn't been showing up at all.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times, but the issue persists. Please provide a solution.
Thank you.
一度Box Driveのログアウトして以降、数回Box Driveのアンインストール(以下リンク)
Box Driveは Ver2.39.174です。ダウンロード後はログインボタンからアカウントを入力しても、
解決策はありますか? PCシステム環境は以下です。関係あるか不明ですが共用PCで3名のユーザを登録ずみです。
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