Box Drive Fails to initialize

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  • Official comment

    Hi Everyone, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    I understand that you are receiving an error message that says Box drive failed to initialize with MacOS on FPE mode.

    We now have a support article to address this issue. Please go ahead and make sure to follow the steps provided in this article to resolve this issue:

    If you have questions, please let us know and we will help you!


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  • Tom Salta

    Hello, I am using Big Sur intentionally as I have a pro recording studio so I am one generation behind.  11.6 is still fully supported by Apple and many of colleagues also use it with Box.  Please advise.

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  • Steve Lam

    I encountered same problem after upgrade to Box Drive version 2.27.240, my macOS is 11.6.7 as my old mac not supported by macOS 12.

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  • I encountered the same issue when I upgraded my MacOS to 11.6.8. All attempts to re-install and manually reset the Box did not help. I had another MacOS running 12.x, where Box has been working properly, so I thought that upgrading to 12.x would solve the issue. NO!!! Same problem persists under 12.x. 

    Since I removed manually the Box folder after uninstalling it, I suspect that either there are some temporary Box files in other locations or there is a weird combination of MacOS and Box settings causing this issue. Anyway, it seems that whatever the Box software development teams, every new Box update breaks more and more things. 

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  • Casey Allman

    I'm also having this issue with one of the computers in the fleet I manage. And I definitely don't have time to go through weeks of meaningless "tech support" with no resolution, like I have in the past with other issues. It's the VP of Marketing, obviously she needs access to files through Box quickly. 

    Will probably just have to provision her a new computer, as Box doesn't know how to actually acknowledge and resolve issues. Every update just seems to be another bug...

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  • I think the best solution is to move to Dropbox. Obviously Box does not care or acknowledge that the problem with Box Drive and MacOS goes beyond issues with the M1 chip. I have a MacBookPro15,2, Quad-Core Intel Core i5 with Monterey 12.5 and nothing that has been posted has helped me. I still get the "failed to initialize" message. I also have Dropbox and I have never had a problem with their system.

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  • Tiffany Gaines

    Hello I have followed all the steps provided in this article and none of this information is working for the user who is on Big Sur 11.6.8.  On top of that she is missing a specific folder that was in her box online for years and now some of the data is missing.  And trying to upload the information is now giving errors.  Box Drive is really starting to be a big problem!  Can I get someone to give correct information to resolve this issue.  Uninstalling and re-installing does not work.  Can I get where all the Box folders may be located so that I can manually remove to reinstall the application?

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