What is Box Integrations?
Available to all users, the Box Integrations provides integration solutions connecting data from Box.com with other applications and services across the web.
You can access the Integrations from the left navigation sidebar or by Account Menu -> Integrations.
How do I add an App to my account?
After selecting the app you want to connect, click Add and then Confirm. To begin connecting the app, click Proceed.
Note: Some apps, such as Box Drive, Box Edit, Box for Android require an installation on your computer or mobile. Please refer the app description for additional instructions on how to proceed with installation.
Once I've added an application, how do I use it with one of my files?
With over 1,500 apps in the Integrations, many of these apps have a variety of ways that work within your Box content.
Several apps add their specific entry in the Integrations file context menu and the file Preview sidebar.
To get started using an app with your files:
- Click on the app you want to use.
- Confirm using the app with your files
- You may be asked to provide additional information before proceeding
- Access your content from the application’s site.
- Depending on the application, you may need to create an account when accessing that application for the first time.
Will these applications have full access to my content in Box?
Depending on the use case for the app, yes. You can see what permissions an app requires in the ‘Required Access Scopes’ section of an app.
If you no longer need an integrated app, go to your Box Integrations page, and click “Remove” on the specific app. Doing so revokes authorization for the app to access your content. You re-authorize the app again if needed.
What can I do when I see an app is in blocked state?
The Box admin at your enterprise can set certain apps as blocked, available or added by default. Contact your admin to request certain integration availability.
For reference, the app has an icon next to the title indicating its status:
App is added
App is blocked
- [No Icon] App is available to be added
Can I share the link to a Box app description with a person who does not have a Box account?
The app I'm trying to use isn't working. What do I do?
If you have any questions or application issues, reach out to the application owner. Each application has a support contact e-mail in the description.
For additional information regarding app integrations, visit Box Integrations