Incorrect Storage Usage

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  • Bella Hadid



    Review Box's Documentation
    Check the official documentation or any recent announcements from Box regarding changes to their storage calculation. Sometimes, updates may affect how hidden system files, version history, or trash are accounted for.

    Clear Trash
    Ensure you’ve cleared your trash in Box, as deleted files often still count toward your storage quota until they are permanently removed.

    Go to your Trash in Box.
    Select Empty Trash or remove files permanently.
    Version History
    Check if version history for files is enabled. Multiple versions of the same file could contribute to increased storage usage.

    Shared Folders
    Shared folders that you have access to may also count against your storage quota if you are the owner or collaborator. Review your shared folder usage.

    Third-Party Scripts
    If you use scripts to interact with Box (e.g., API integrations), ensure that they are functioning correctly. Misconfigured scripts might upload duplicate data or fail to handle storage limits properly.

    Storage Breakdown
    Use Box's storage analysis tools to get a breakdown of which folders or files are consuming the most space:


    Best Regards















    MyFordBenefits website

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  • Ann


    Welcome to Box community.

    You have a folder containing a lot of items, and its size is about 46GB. Please review your folders and remove any unnecessary files to free up space.

    Thank you for posting.

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