You may experience an error when saving or attempting to open content with Box Edit/Tools.
The error may look something like this:
If so, we may recommend you clear your Box Edit cache. This will clear out any cached content in which you have opened with Box Edit. Before you clear your cache, ensure your content located on is up to date.
Please follow the steps below to clear your Box Edit cache:
- Quit Box Edit by searching in Windows for "Task Manager." Close the Box Tools application if it's running and then go to the Processes tab and terminate the Box Edit process and the BoxLocalCom process.
- Go to this file path in Windows explorer: C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\Box\Box Edit\Documents\ and delete all the files and folders in that folder.
- Restart your computer.
- Quit Box Edit by searching in Spotlight for "Activity Monitor", then close the Box Edit application.
- Access the hidden Library folder - (Note: The library folder is hidden by default. Follow the steps below to locate the Library folder:
- Click on Go in the upper left hand toolbar
- Hold the Alt/Option key on your keyboard and select the Library folder)
- Go to the following folder: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Box/Box Edit
- Open the Documents folder and delete the contents within it.
- Restart your computer.