2FA - No access to Authenticator App

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  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    This might require some account specific information, so I've submitted a case to Box Support on your behalf.

    You should be receiving an email confirmation shortly. Kindly check your email for details and updates.

    Best Regards, 

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  • Jason Schwartz

    Can you do the same for my account?  Same problem.

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  • David Joachim Richardson

    I have the same issue. Can I get support? Thanks

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  • Box User

    same problems how can I do?? thk

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  • alessandro.comparin74

    Same problem here. I'd be grateful if I could get OTP in order to bypass the authenticator problem...

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  • Edwin Gao

    same issue with my account edwin.gao@skyydevelopment.com. thanks for fixing it.

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  • Llew GIbbons


      I am having the same problem and I had to log in through my personal google account to post this. Could someone help me?

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  • Galit Lubetzky

    same issues with ben@wing.security account , please contact me

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  • Nnn Vvvv

    Same issue here as well.  I just see three throbbing bars instead of a QR code for Step 1 in setting up 2FA.  Please assist.

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  • Nnn Vvvv

    I was able to get a QR code.  It may be a coincidence, but here's what I did:

    1. Sign in on this support.box.com page

    2. Edit the profile here

    3. This page also has an option for 2FA, choose it

    4. A QR code was presented.  I entered my six digit code and saved the recovery keys

    5. My profile on box.com still did not show the 2FA was enabled

    6. On box.com, edit the profile

    7. Add 2FA.  A QR code was now shown

    8. Enter the six digit code.

    9. 2FA now works for box.com

    10. Confirm by using a different browser

    11. If you already logged in with a second browser, "forget" the login via "Account Settings" -> "Security" -> "Login Activity" and hitting the X on "Forget App"

    12. I don't know if the first QA and recovery codes are needed.  The box.com login 2FA works now.

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