Box SIGN API: "404 not found"
AnsweredI am trying to develop an application to automate some Box Sign workflows via the API so I created a Custom App in the developer console, gave it server auth using client ID and secret and then gave the newly created service account "editor" access to a folder.
Using Oauth I got an access token for the user and I have no problem using this bearer token to read the contents of this folder "/folders/items" and even creating a sub folder and uploading files it has no problem.
Once I try to use the "sign_requests" endpoint, I get a "not found/404" error. It doesn't make any sense because I'm calling it using a file ID for a file that the service account uploaded which sits in a folder he was able to upload the file to.
In the configuration of the app, It is "App Access Only" as opposed to "App + Enterprise". I don't need access to other users' files at all, just the files/folders the service account has access to..
Under scope it DOES have the "manage signature requests" option checked. And of course the "read all files stored in box" and "write all files stored in box" are greyed out, but still checked.
Just to clarify the URL is
Auth is bearer token, header is content-type "application/json", and the body looks like
{"signers": [{"role": "signer","email": "[user's email]"}],"source_files": [{"type": "file","id": "[redacted]"}],"parent_folder":{"type": "folder","id": "[redacted]"}}
The folder and file ID were both CREATED by the same service account using the same bearer token
Hi Brian,
Welcome to the Box Community!
This would be something Product Support team would like to investigate and may require specific account information. I see you already have an open ticket for this issue and our representative is now investigating, please continue working with them and check your email for updates.
Have a great rest of your week!
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