How do I move collaborative folder

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  • France

    Hi Mahiro, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    At present, if you are not the owner of a folder, you cannot move it to another location or another folder.

    This idea has been shared to our Product Team in Box Pulse-our feedback site, where users would like the ability to have a "Shared with me- Folder Management for Collaboration Folders". The suggestion is currently 'Under consideration' but you may also add your vote and share your use case on the comment section on how this will be useful for you and your organization.
    Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.
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  • MS

    Ms. France,


    Thank you very much for your help.

    I understand the situation and will vote on Box Pulse.


    Thank you.

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  • Bani Tamraz

    My folders were organized prior to the latest box update. After the update it seems all my shared folders have moved out to the folders that they were in previously in the root directory. It is extremely frustrating to have this happen!!! The updates are forced on us and now without any warning, my root directory is a mess and there are so many folders in there. Where as before i had order to the chaos, now there is no order and there is lots of chaos that does not allow me to fix.  

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  • Kai

    To be honest, it sounds stupid that Box users cannot move the shared folders. I am the owner of my own account, and of course, I should have the right to determine where the shared folder should be. My point is that, if I put the shared folder to be under some non-shared folder, the sharing group does not increase, and then there should be no problem at all!

    I don't understand why Box refuses to offer this simple function to users or customers. My root folder is just exploding in that way! Come on!

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  • Albert Hazan

    This is idiotic. Makes the root folder a mess. Who designs this UI?

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  • Elizabeth Bell

    Agreed.  We need to be able to organize our shared folders.  Being forced to keep them all in the root folder is very archaic.  GoogleDrive and Dropbox allow shared folders to be moved, so there's no reason Box cannot do the same.  

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  • Justin Jose

    any solution for this issue yet

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  • Randal Beard

    Agreed!  Please change this!

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  • Brad Cianni

    temporary workaround: if you don't need the content, remove yourself as a collaborator.

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  • Nick Tompkins

    Is it too much to ask for a "Shared Folders" Folder in the root? 

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  • Nick Tompkins

    If it is too complicated... I am thinking the work around is creating a new root for my actual folders and leaving the root as a share folders mess. I am sure box's servers will love this idea.

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  • Albert Hazan

    We're going to get flying cars before Box figures out how to move a folder

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  • Martin Edwards

    While you can't move the folders, you can create shortcuts to them in other locations, so that they can be accessible from some sort of organized hierarchy. If you put the shortcut where you want it and then make the original folders hidden, it can tidy up your root directory and give you some level of organization. It's frustrating to have to do this, but it definitely helps to tidy things up.

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  • I understand to date what the options and will also vote, but vocalizing here out of frustration. I currently have 124 folders in my root - it's nearly impossible to find anything - and keep being added to more and more box folders. My favorite of which is when someone adds me to a box folder titled with my name.

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  • Karl Warnick

    Box, please do something about this. To help mitigate the disorganization of shared files and folders in the root, users need a way to move shared files and folders out of the root folder, without having to end the collaboration. Shared files and folders can be added to Collections, but they still appear in the Box root directory, so Collections as it works now isn't a solution. Collections would work if the shared files and folders added to a collection were hidden in the Box root, but I don't want to have to add every shared file and folder to a Collection. Shared files and folders should be automatically added to a "Shared with me" collection and left out of the root folder view. 

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  • Carman Li

    It is a shame that Box cannot do such a simple function that Dropbox already offered a long time ago. It should be a basic function that every user can use - move shared folders within their Box wherever they want to keep their folders organized. Box, up your game and do something or else you are losing your customers! 

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