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Collaborator Invite Emails

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  • France

    Hi Susan, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    There is not a way to confirm email sent invitations to collaborate to others within your Box account.

    If you want to see the list of those users and their email that you invited to your folder, you can open the More Options menu and select Manage Collaborators.

    The list shows those who accepted your invitation as well as those with "pending invitations". 

    Check out this article on how to manage your collaborators: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196273-Managing-Collaborators 

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  • James Wiggers

    Hi there,

    We have folders per client files; I invite Client A staff as Collaborators via their emails with no issues. When I go to add Client B staff by the same method I get an error message.

    Collaboration invitations can only be sent to people within 'company name'

    Invitations could not be sent to the following people because external collaboration is restricted by either your or their enterprise: 'client B's email address'

    Any ideas how to resolve?

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