How to get details so I can debug "Sync Files Failed: Folder Deleted on Sync"?

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  • France

    Hi Mr. Smith, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!
    This would be something our Box Support team would like to investigate with you and may require specific account information. 
    I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this. Please check your email for details.
    Thanks for your patience and please come back and let us know how things go with support.
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  • Thank you, France.

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  • Tom Morton

    I have the same problem

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  • Bryan Willman

    I also have this problem.    You really need to improve your sync error messages to give the paths that do not sync.


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  • Tom Morton

    Bryan - on the screenshot above, if you hover over the file icon the path will appear after a couple of seconds.  Agree that troubleshooting could be made easier though.  

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  • Emma Brunner

    I am having the same problem.  Is there a way to get my files from historical syncs?

    Thanks for your help.


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  • Steven Horn

    I have been getting this error for months.

    When I hover over the place where the file name should be it says "Unknown path."

    Is there any solution on the horizon?

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  • Yoni

    I am having this same problem whenever I create a new folder on my computer.  If I upload through the it works ok, but I would like to use box sync.  I see no way to contact support, please help.

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  • Max Press

    Similar issue. A specific folder got into some kind of weird sync state where my local folder is decoupled from the shared remote, and I also can't write to that location locally. Other folders seem ok, and web interface still seems to properly function in managing the shared folder.

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  • Yoni

    I think I have found a solution to this problem!

    One of the parent folders of the files that are failing to sync is marked in the web interface as unsynced. 

    You have to go over each folder until you find the right one.  Right Click > More Actions > and click on 'Sync' (meaning it was not being synced un-till now. If it was being synced it would say 'Unsync').

    If the syncing doesn't get fixed immediately / within a few minutes / the same day...  restarting your computer will probably help.


    I just tried creating a new folder on the web interface and for some reason the folder is marked by default as un-synced. Not knowing this, it's possible that at some point I had moved some files around and created that parent folder in the web interface and this had caused all the syncing problems.  


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