InDesign and BOX Drive Issues

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  • France

    Hi Michael, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!
    This would be something our Box Support team would like to investigate with you and may require specific account information.  I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this. 
    Please check your email for details and updates.
    Thanks for your patience!
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  • Michael liebergot

    Thank you.

    I'll keep an eye out for any support emails.

    So far I haven't received anything.

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  • Michael liebergot

    France, has a ticket been submitted to tech support.

    As I still have not received confirmation of a work order ticket.

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  • Seth McGinnis


    My team's INDD crashes intensified around the same time as yours. Now I can't even perform one function and save without InDesign crashing. The only reliable workaround is to package the file to my local drive and save to Box after I'm done. Embedding graphics instead of keeping the links live also helps. My IT department also suggests these stopgap measures. Neither of these workarounds is a viable workflow because the inevitable versioning fiascoes that will happen with multiplying files being saved on several local computers. 

    My Box tech said they've been trying to work with Adobe on this issue, but has failed to supply any actual findings or discussions. 

    I have a feeling there was a change in protocol at Box a few months ago, and all of us Adobe users are suffering because of it. 

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  • Michael Steinhofer

    I've actually found the same problems. It appears that since the linked files are stored in the cloud and not downloaded locally, every time you change a page that has a different image placed, you have to wait for it to download from the cloud to render the preview in indesign. And, even if you get through that page, go to a different page (and wait all over again) and go back to that initial page, it still has to re-download the assets locally again, like it doesn't remember you just previews that page. And then you can continue to work. This takes ages though and usually causes multiple indesign crashes (Thankfully, so far no files have been corrupted though!). And in my work, linked files can be hundreds of megabytes so it takes ages! I've found 2 workarounds. one like Seth suggested, packaging the files to a local area, or in my dropbox folder since I can at least store my dropbox on an external drive. Or marking the entire root folder to be available offline within box drive.

    The problem with this workaround, or need for a workaround, is that I've just moved my company from an on-prem Mac server to box drive. and all of the designers are new to box and they've all been like freaking out with how slow indesign operates within box. loosing faith in the decision to move in the first place. It is painfully frustrating. I can't say if this is an adobe problem or a box problem. But it seems to me that if I open a file that has links to other locations within box, then maybe box should be able to identify those links and automatically download them, and keep them cached while to main file is opened. But, maybe that's what Adobe should do as well :-) 

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  • Seth McGinnis

    My instinct tells me the solution for InDesign crashing, lagging, or causing  problems lies with Adobe. I also work on several Microsoft products over Box, and never have any issues with them. Adobe says they don't support third party applications, but ignoring cloud computing is incredibly blind in today's connected and collaborative world. Adobe needs to be responsive to customers' needs, and they need to collaborate with Box and other cloud services to make their product viable. 

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  • Paul J Fortunato

    Just want to add my voice and frustrations with this. This is 100% an Adobe InDesign issue because I use box for Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and Premiere all with multiple linked files and have zero issues EXCEPT with InDesign. I'm guessing InDesign is still running some legacy crap linking code back during the era when they had to compete with Quark or something and that team does not interface with the other Adobe product team that has already figured this out. 

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