- GxP Controlled Release to Production Complete
- Box Quarterly Controlled Release to Sandbox Completed
- GxP Quarterly Controlled Release to production complete
- Box Quarterly Controlled Release to Sandbox Completed
- Box GxP Quarterly Release to production Completed
- Box GxP Quarterly Release to sandbox
- Box GxP Quarterly Release to production Completed
- Box Relay tests temporarily unavailable for GxP customers
- Box support for customer access via Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
- GxP Self-Serve Sandbox
- Expanded test coverage for GxP
- Extended coverage in the GxP Dashboard
- Box GxP Test Environment will be changing its reporting cadence
- Box + GovSlack integration
- Box is now StateRAMP Authorized
- Introducing Box Zones in France
- GxP Validation Sandbox Test Environment
- GxP for Box Edit
- GxP support for Box Relay
- Introducing release notes for GxP customers!
- Introducing the GxP Dashboard!