To provide our customers with the visibility necessary to most effectively leverage 3rd party integrations within Box, we are adding new reporting on usage by integration to the Admin Console. This new visibility, available through report and Admin Insights, will help admins identify the most essential and utilized 3rd party integrations within their organization, and take more informed action in regards to integration strategy.
Admins will be able to generate a new “Integrations Activity” report within Admin Console, customized to their organizational needs, reporting user activity within 3rd party integrated applications. These reports can be filtered by date (up to 90 days past), by users and groups, and by integration. The reports will contain:
Integration name
Link to the integration listing page in Box Integrations
User full name
User login (e-mail)
Activity ranking
Number of active days
Number of Web Integrations callouts
Admins can also observe topmost active integrations within the Admin Insights dashboard. The new insight will replace the former “Third-Party Apps” insight.
To learn more about the Admin Insights, look here.