How can I see all items I have marked for offline use?

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  • France

    Hi David, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    To determine the actual local space that Box Drive takes up, examine the properties of Box's cache folder:

    • Windows: \C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Box\Box\cache
    • OS X: /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Box/Box/cache

    For more information on Box Drive directories, please take a look at this article: 


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  • David Berninger

    Hi France, that only gives me the data size of everything marked for offline use.  How can I see all the files marked for offline use?

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  • Mahreen

    Hi - Was there a follow up to this thread? Thanks!

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  • David Berninger

    No because this functionality doesn't exist which is why they won't answer the question.

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  • Nathan Driessen

    Has anyone determined how you can find all folders/subfolders/files which have been marked to make available offline?
    Would like to manage my hard drive space, but it is nearly impossible without being able to see a list of folders/subfolders/files set as "Make Available Offline".

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