Storage Data Used is Incorrect - request to run fix script

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  • Box User

    I'm in the same boat. Appreciate any help.

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  • Rona

    Hi Graeme, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Note: If you ever come across these data inaccuracies in your account, please know that the problem is entirely with the display of these totals. This has no effect on your underlying data. All of your files remain in place and have not decreased in size or been edited by unauthorized people.

    Please keep in mind the following information about storage calculations: 

    • Trash is excluded from your overall storage calculation.
    • If you are collaborating with another user in a folder they own, the storage is calculated only as part of the owner's account and will not count toward your storage calculation.

    Most of the time, aggregates will be updated within an hour or less. For larger changes or more complex folder structures, aggregates may take up to 24 hours to be correct.

    In reference to this, please visit this article

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Box User

    Hi Rona,

    Many thanks for your response and info.  Unfortunately my usage number is still way too high after some serious housekeeping.  Since I did some wholesale deletions two days ago now, and it hasn't fixed itself, I think I need the script to be manually run.  I've had to request this five or six times over a period of several years, and each time it fixes the problem.  I realise the erroneous number doesn't affect operation of my Box account, but it does mean I have no feeling for how much space I have remaining, which is important to me due to the way I use Box.

    Hope you can help!

    Best Wishes

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  • Box User

    I saw the linked article, but it is of no help to me. I deleted almost everything from my account, leaving about 500Mb of stuff, yet the UI kept showing that I used over 30Gb. And that remained for days. And contrary to the statement that it has no effect - after adding 20Gb of data, I got an error that I ran out of space (when I should have 30Gb of more space available)

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  • Box User

    So, basically, non-paying users are left without support? My account, which is supposed to have 50Gb of storage, effectively has only 20Gb, and there's nobody to talk to. Actual support is non-existent, and community support ends up with links to articles that provide false information. Good to know.

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