

  • Ann

    Hi R Joyner,

    Welcome to Box Community.

    Please note that the accumulated storage and/or number of files will be updated and may take up to 24 hours to be correct. If the issue remains unresolved after 24 hours, please inform me and we will investigate further.

    For reference, you can visit this article:
    Thanks for posting!


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  • R Joyner

    No, that's not the issue, sorry. As I mentioned, the problem is several gigabytes in use on both my Android phone and tablet, not your cloud storage. Local storage. Can I just delete the 3Gb of data under the Box app settings? What does it think it's holding on my phone anyway? 

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  • R Joyner

    Why does it take over two days to approve a post? You misread my question, gave me wrong information, called it answered, but it's not. You asked me to inform you, I have, and there's no response. Do you need a screenshot to understand what I'm asking? Happy to provide one if it helps to answer my question. Thanks. 

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