

  • France

    Hi Yulia, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Sorry to hear about what happened to your files.

    It's possible that those files may have been deleted by a collaborator in your folder. You can go to your Trash in and search those files or filter by Items I Own to see the files that may have been deleted by a collaborator in a folder you own. 

    To learn more on managing Trash, please take a look at this article:

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  • Nivosoa Robjhon

    Hi Yulia,

    Have you resolved your issue? I am experiencing the same issue. Every day, the system purges my data and sends everything (except one I selected for the retention policy) to the trash. Box has not been helpful at all. It has been happening for a week and I have yet to get some answer from Box. Frustrated to say the least. 

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