At Box, it is important that all our customers have a valid payment method on the account at all times. If you are receiving a block (credit card prompt) on your account upon logging in, it will be related to 1 of the following 5 scenarios below. No worries though! Each have their own resolution!
1. Your account has unpaid invoices
It happens! Perhaps unbeknownst to you, there are unpaid invoices on the account despite our attempts to let you know via email. Whether you pay by credit card, wire transfer/ACH or check -- Box requires payment upon the due date shown on the invoice(s). If payment is not remitted in a timely manner, the "Bill To" contact on your account will receive outstanding balance notifications, warning of service interruptions to take place. If payment is still not remitted after these notifications are sent, the account will eventually be placed with a credit card prompt. These types of blocks take awhile to be applied to your account which gives an idea of how old the unpaid invoice(s) are. Once you add your credit card to the system, payment will automatically process and you will receive immediate access to the account again.
For customers with a primary payment method of wire/ACH or check, if you would prefer to make a one-time payment via credit card to lift the block, please contact our Billing Support Team at:
US: 1-877-729-4269
International: 1-650-641-2332
***Important: We cannot remove the credit card prompt until 1 of the following below has been completed:
- A new credit card has been added to the account
- A one-time payment via credit card has been made (for wire/ACH and check payees)
- Proof of payment via wire/ACH or check has been emailed to***
2. You were recently reactivated and need to update your credit card
When an account is reactivated, there are times where the previous credit card is no longer valid -- such as, the card has expired. In these cases, you will be forced to update your credit card upon logging in.
3. You are a brand new customer (yay!)
If one of our Billing Specialists had to manually create your billing profile as a new customer, this means you were unable to be added automatically through our system during the trial-conversion. In these cases, you will be forced to add your credit card upon logging in so that your billing profile is fully complete.
4. You recently changed currencies
Your currency was just updated, great! A new currency will result in a new billing profile, while the old billing profile is nulled. For security reasons, we cannot manually transfer your payment method from the old billing profile to the new one, therefore, you will be forced to re-add your credit card to the new billing profile.
5. You requested to update your payment method
If you are a wire/ACH or check paying customer and requested to pay via credit card moving forward, you will be forced to add a credit card upon logging in.
If you are experiencing any issues with adding a credit card to your Box account, please contact our Billing Team at:
US: 1-877-729-4269
International: 1-650-641-2332