The following are known limitations for Box Drive on all devices:
Software Incompatibilities
- Customers using security products or asset management products, such as the ones listed below, may see unexpected behavior with Box Drive if the product cannot exclude Box Drive's volume mount using the "Box" folder path.
- BitDefender
- Carbon Black Defense
- Checkpoint Endpoint Encryption
- Dell Data Protection
- LanScope (Interfocus)
- McAfee MOVE
- Symantec DLP
- Adobe Bridge - attempting to open the Box folder from Adobe Bridge results in an error.
- Hitachi Solutions Hibun product - Box Drive and Hibun both work on Windows 10.
- Microsoft Excel - Box Drive does not support the shared workbook feature.
- Do not use disaster recovery tools to move Box Drive content from one device to another. We recommend you follow these instructions to install Box Drive on a new device.
- Microsoft Office has an AutoRecovery feature that you can configure for each Office app. We do not recommend configuring your Microsoft Office AutoRecover file location to be a Box Drive location. Doing so may cause content to be automatically deleted in bulk via Box Drive.
Box Sync
Box does not support running Box Sync and Box Drive simultaneously on a single machine. We recommend replacing Box Sync with Box Drive.
Box Drive enables you to work offline and keep content synced; it also includes an uninstaller that automatically uninstalls Box Sync and cleans up your synced files. For more information see Uninstalling Box Sync Using Box Drive.
- Box Drive is not suited for mass contents transfer. See this article for available options when migrating contents to Box.
Large files may take some time to open for the first time.
- Initial loading of a folder's content may take time, especially for folders with many files and sub-folders.
- Search on Box Drive returns a maximum of 20 matching results.
- In some cases, Box Drive accumulates a large amount of logs (>10 GB of data). If you experience this, log out of Box Drive. When you log out, Box deletes these logs.
Logging out of Box Drive also deletes Offline files, and removes the Offline preferences that define which folders were set to offline.
- Applications rapidly modifying files — making multiple edits per second — delay the syncing of other changes you make. During this time, status icons may not be up-to-date, showing a blue cloud (indicating content is synced) instead of a pending icon (indicating content is not synced).
File and Folder Operations
- Unsupported characters in file or folder names cause issues, such as errors when copying them into Box Drive.
- Copying Box Notes from Box Drive might fail. In such cases, retrying the copy operation helps.
- Attempting to open multiple PDF files from the Box Drive search interface may cause an error.
- Folders you created in Box for Salesforce do not display until you quit and relaunch Box Drive.
- While offline, adding new files or folders into a folder for which Box Drive does not yet have the content results in your new item or items being hidden. The content is not lost, but it remains hidden until you return online.
- Online-only folders that are children of an offline folder are incorrectly marked for offline access when they are renamed.
- Box Drive avoids syncing a file from local to Box if the file content (the checksum of the file) hasn't changed.
- While using the enhanced lock feature, if you close a file in the Office app while the file's sync is in progress, the file may be incorrectly locked after sync is completed. If this happens, close the Office app, or consider using co-authoring rather than the enhanced lock feature.
- Creating a copy of an existing file in Box Drive does not trigger workflow actions.
- The Box Drive folder cannot be mapped as a network drive.