This topic describes the data tiles that administrators can view and configure on the Admin Insights (Admin Console > Insights) page. Some data tiles are charts, presenting data graphically, and some data tiles are cards, presenting data numerically.
The Insights dashboard consists of the following tiles:
- Total AI Activity
- Deleted Users
- File Types
- Geographic Activity
- Groups
- Hourly Activity
- Managed User Activity
- Managed Users
- Shared Links
- Storage
- System Activity
- Third Party Apps
- Unmanaged Users
See About Reporting and Insights for details on how to rearrange the tiles. See the sections below for information about what data is in each tile and how to configure the data in the tiles that can be configured.
Total AI Activity Tile
The Total AI Activity tile is a card that shows you the sum of how many AI queries were made by users plus the number of AI calls made by the Box AI API within your organization during the current month and the trend over the past month.
Deleted Users Tile
The Deleted Users tile is a card that shows you how many managed user accounts have been deleted from within your Box organization and the trend over the past month.
Downloading Deleted Users Data
The Download Report button () and the View Deleted User link will generate a User Activity Report with just the Deleted user event (action type) selected and a time period of the last 30 days.
File Types Tile
The File Types tile is a bar chart that shows you up to the past 90 days of file activity for 4 categories of file activity: previews, downloads, uploads, and edits, and for several file types, ordered by the file type with the most activity. The file types in this chart are:
- Audio
- Box Note
- Document
- Drawing
- Image
- Other
- Presentation
- Spreadsheet
- Video
See Viewing Different File Types Supported in Box Content Preview and Supported File Types for more information about what category files are considered to be in.
The default display is of the 5 file types that have had the most activity in the past 90 days. Click Show More to view all file types. Hover your pointer over any bar to view a pop-up containing the number of previews, downloads, uploads, and edits for that file type during the time period shown on the chart, as well as the total number of file activity for that file type during the same time period.
Filtering File Types Data
The Filter button () opens a side panel where you can select which activities to show in the chart and the date range for those activities. You must select at least one activity. For Date Range, you can select:
- Last 30 days
- Last 60 days
- Last 90 days (default)
- Custom range, and then select a start and end date
Downloading File Types Data
The Download Report button () will generate a User Activity report.
Geographic Activity Tile
The Geographic Activity tile is a map chart that shows you where your users are by highlighting locations where they did any of the following on content in your organization within the time period shown on the chart:
- Downloads
- Edits
- Logins
- Previews
- Signed (E-signatures)
- Uploads
Hover your pointer over a circle to see information about its location and the number of user activities at that location. Larger circles represent a greater amount of activity at that location.
The amount of activity at all locations is also more roughly delineated by the amount of activity. The top third most active locations are classified as "High," the middle third most active locations are classified as "Medium," and the lowest third most active locations are classified as "Low."
- This data includes both managed and external users.
- Some third-party applications may log events as occurring at their server locations rather than at the user's location.
Filtering Geographic Activity Data
The Filter button () opens a side panel where you can select which activities to show in the chart and the date range for those activities. You must select at least one activity. For Date Range, you can select:
- Last 30 days (default)
- Last 60 days
- Last 90 days
- Custom range, and then select a start and end date
Downloading Geographic Activity Data
The Download Report button () will generate a Geographic Activity report.
Groups Tile
The Groups tile is a card that shows you how many user groups you have defined in your Box organization and the trend over the past month.
The View Groups link will take you to the Groups tab in Users & Groups. (This link is not available for Co-admins who do not have the Manage groups permission enabled for their account.)
Hourly Activity Tile
The Hourly Activity tile is a bubble chart that contains a heat map to show you the count of all user activities throughout your organization over the selected week distributed by the hour of the day. The activities include:
- Downloads
- Edits
- Logins
- Previews
- Signed (E-signatures)
- Uploads
Hover over a circle to see the amount of each individual activity and the total user activities during that hour. Larger circles represent a greater amount of activity during that hour.
In the details list, the following data is shown:
- User (name and email)
- Activity
- (File) Affected
- Data and time in UTC
Filtering Hourly Activity Data
The Filter button () opens a side panel where you can select which activities to show in the chart and the date range for those activities. You must select at least one activity. For Date Range, you can select This week (the past 7 days, the default), last week, or any of the previous 11 weeks.
Downloading Hourly Activity Data
The Download Report button () will generate a User Activity report.
Managed User Activity Tile
The Managed User Activity tile contains a line chart that gives you detailed statistics from the past 90 days about how your users are interacting with your content.
- To see how many people used Box at any given time, move your pointer anywhere along the graph.
- To change the date range of this graph, click and drag the endpoints of the mini graph below the main graph.
Filtering Managed User Activity Data
The Filter button () opens a side panel where you can select which activities to show in the chart and the date range for those activities. You must select at least one activity. For Date Range, you can select:
- Last 30 days
- Last 60 days
- Last 90 days (default)
- Custom range, and then select a start and end date
The Exclude Weekends toggle allows you to include (default) or exclude events that happen on weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) from appearing in the chart data.
Downloading Managed User Activity Data
The Download Report button () will generate a User Activity report. (This function is not available for Co-admins who do not have the Manage users permission enabled for their account.)
Managed Users Tile
The Managed Users tile shows you how many paid managed user accounts exist within your Box organization and how many paid seats exist with no assigned managed user in your Box license.
Downloading Managed Users Data
The Download Report button () will generate a User Details report with Managed Users selected.
The View Managed Users link will take you to the Managed Users tab in Users & Groups.
(These functions are not available for Co-admins who do not have the Manage users permission enabled for their account.)
Shared Links Tile
The Shared Links tile is two donut charts that show shared links that exist in your organization, grouped in two different ways:
- By access level: How many are open, are shared with specific collaborators only, and shared within your company (organization) only. When all access levels are selected, the number in the center equals all shared links currently in your organization.
- By expiration: How many are expiring today, within the next week, and within the next month.
Hover over any segment of a donut chart to see a count of how many shared links fall into that category.
Notifying Owners of Open Shared Links
Open shared links, that is, links that allow anyone with the link to access the linked file, can increase your organization's content security exposure. You can notify the owners of open shared links and encourage those users to make their links more secure.
- In the Access Level list, select only Open.
- Click Show Details to list details of the owner's open links.
- Click a number link in the Count column to see the list of open shared links by that user.
- At the bottom of the list, click Notify Owner.
This creates a report that lists the owner's open shared links. The owner is made a subscriber to and a viewer of that report. The owner also receives an email notification asking them to take action on the open shared links. If the Details column is included in the Show Details list, it will include information about the notification: Notified by <Admin Name> on MM/DD/YYYY.
Filtering Shared Links Data
The Filter button () opens a side panel where you can select one filter from:
- Show All
- Open (Access Level)
- Collaborator (Access Level)
- Company (Access Level)
- (Expiring) Today
- (Expiring) This Week
- (Expiring) This Month
Downloading Shared Links Data
The Download Report button () will generate a Shared Links report.
Storage Tile
The Storage tile is a donut chart that shows the total amount of storage used by your entire organization, grouped by file type. Hover over a segment of the chart to see the total amount of storage used by that file type.
Click Show Details to view a list of file types. The list can include the number of each type of file. That number is a link; click that link to view a list of only that type of file.
The amount of storage used that is reported in the Storage tile is the aggregate amount of all versions of all files. Likewise, the amount of storage used that is reported for each file type in the chart segment hover and in the Details list is the aggregate amount of all versions of all files of that type, and when viewing the list of files from each file type, the amount of storage used that is reported for each file is the aggregate amount of all version of that file.
For example, you've been working on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from Box Drive and saving regularly (as one should). In both Box and in Finder/Explorer, the size of the file is reported as 87 KB, and you also see in Box that your saves have created 17 versions. Assuming each version is more-or-less the same size, when you drill down to that file in the Storage tile, you would see the amount of storage used as calculated, approximately 17 x 87 KB or 1479 KB (or 1.5 MB).
Filtering Storage Data
The Filter button () opens a side panel where you can select which file types to show in the chart. You must select at least one.
Downloading Storage Data
The Download Report button () will generate a Folders and Files report.
System Activity Tile
The System Activity tile is a line chart that shows the amount of system-related activities from the past selected time period (the default is 90 days), specifically successful and failed logins.
- To see how many people logged in to Box at any given time, move your pointer anywhere along the graph.
- To change the date range of this graph, click and drag the endpoints of the mini graph below the main graph.
Click Show Details to view a list of users and their login activity sorted by date.
Filtering System Activity Data
The Filter button () opens a side panel where you can select which activities to show in the chart and the date range for those activities. You must select at least one activity. For Date Range, you can select:
- Last 30 days
- Last 60 days
- Last 90 days (default)
- Custom range, and then select a start and end date
The Exclude Weekends toggle allows you to include (default) or exclude events that happen on weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) from appearing in the chart data.
Downloading System Activity Data
The Download Report button () will generate a User Activity report.
Third-Party Apps Tile
The Third-Party Apps tile is a bar chart that shows the number of download, upload, and edit activity events during the past 90 days for up to 5 third-party applications. Hover your pointer over any bar to view a pop-up containing the number of previews, downloads, uploads, and edits for that app during the previous 90 days, as well as the total number of file activity for that app during the previous 90 days.
Filtering Third-Party Apps
The Filter button () opens a side panel where you can select which third-party apps to show in the chart. You can select up to 5. The Chart section lists which third-party apps are shown in the chart, and the Added section shows all available third-party apps.
Downloading Third-Party Apps Data
The Download Report button () will generate a User Activity report.
Unmanaged Users Tile
The Unmanaged Users tile shows you how many unpaid personal Box accounts exist within your Box organization and the trend of unmanaged users during the past month. It is available only if your organization has Unmanaged Users available as a user type to select in User Details reports.
Downloading Unmanaged Users Data
The Download Report button () and the Download Report link will generate a User Details report with Unmanaged Users selected.