A firewall is a part of network security that controls which network traffic can enter or leave your business. Firewalls can be set to block all traffic, allow or block specific types, or permit all traffic. In most cases, a firewall is set up to allow traffic through specific ports unless explicitly blocked, or for more stringent security measures, to block traffic unless explicitly allowed.
Firewalls are configured to allow or block traffic in several ways, including by geographic source, by port, by domain/hostname, and by IP address. Box and Box applications require the traffic to and from specifically defined domains to be allowed through a corporate or personal firewall, as outlined in this topic.
Typically, you would include these domains/hostnames in your firewall's allowlist. Please refer to the instructions for your particular firewall hardware or software for details.
1. Firewall Allowlist Domains/Hostnames
Here are the domains/hostnames that need to be allowlisted for Box and its applications, integrations, and components to work correctly. Box will notify you of any changes in this list through product announcements. Box recommends regularly checking this page to stay updated, or ”following” the section that contains this page, It is important to update your firewall whenever there are any changes.
Configure firewall allowlist with any subdomain and Hosts of Box Core domains and any other related services.
1a. Box Core Domains
Configure hostnames to recognize any subdomain of:
*.box.com *.app.box.com *.ent.box.com # "ent" only required if you are a Box Verified Enterprise account *.box.net *.boxcdn.net *.boxcloud.com
1b. Other related service Domains/Hosts
# Box Test *.box-test.com # To use the Excel online previewer, you must allow the following: *.cdn.office.net excel.officeapps.live.com fs.microsoft.com # Box for Microsoft Teams unpkg.com cdn.jsdelivr.net # Box Sign fonts.gstatic.com fonts.googleapis.com # Box Support Site and Product Documentation # To log in to our support site to submit a support ticket you must allow: box.zendesk.com support.box.com # For all other inbound traffic, you must allow the list of ingress and egress IP addresses found at the following: https://support.box.com/ips # The URL doesn’t require authentication. You can copy this URL and paste it into the address bar of any browser. # You may want to set up a scheduled request periodically to determine if the IP addresses listed in the request response change. # Box Education *.brightcove.com *.brightcove.services *.zencdn.net *.boltdns.net *.akamaihd.net # Box Web Analytics # No personally identifiable information will be collected. Any data collected is anonymous. See Box Analytics Product Announcement for more details. *.demdex.net
Other integrations:
Box for Office Integration: To use the Box for Office Online integration, please allow Microsoft's for Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges.
Box for Google Workspace: To use the Box for Google Workspace, please go to the Google support pages for the hostnames you must allow. (You can ignore the Google Drive/drive IP addresses because this Box integration does not have a dependency on Google Drive.)
Box for iWork Integration: To use the Box for iWork integration, you must allow access to Apple’s network at
- Optionally, if using an IP allowlist, be sure to allow the IPs listed on https://www.cloudflare.com/ips/
Important: If above Domains / Host names are not allowed, related functions or services will not work. Use the section below:
1c. Specific hostnames
If you cannot allow the wildcard domains shown in the two lists above, allow these specific hostnames:
# Box core features 2.realtime.services.box.net account.box.com api.box.com app.box.com ent.box.com blog.box.com box-test.com captcha.boxcdn.net cdn01.boxcdn.net - cdn20.boxcdn.net client-log.box.com community.box.com developer.box.com dl.boxcloud.com dl2.boxcloud.com - dl20.boxcloud.com public.boxcloud.com docs.box.com e3.boxcdn.net images-captcha.boxcdn.net newassets-captcha.boxcdn.net notes.services.box.com reportapi-captcha.boxcdn.net rtg.services.box.com sso.services.box.net status.box.com support.box.com track.box.com upload.app.box.com upload.ent.box.com upload.box.com upload.box.net www.box.com www.box.net {yourcustomsubdomain}.account.box.com {yourcustomsubdomain}.app.box.com {yourcustomsubdomain}.box.com {yourcustomsubdomain}.ent.box.com # To use the Excel online previewer, you must allow the following:
res-1.cdn.office.net omex.cdn.office.net excel.officeapps.live.com fs.microsoft.com # Box for Microsoft Teams unpkg.com cdn.jsdelivr.net # Box Captcha feature (used at login), you must allow the following: captcha.boxcdn.net newassets-captcha.boxcdn.net # Box Sign fonts.gstatic.com fonts.googleapis.com # Box Support Site and Product Documentation box.zendesk.com support.box.com
# Box Education
cbolt446c5271-a.akamaihd.net # Box Web Analytics # No personally identifiable information will be collected. Any data collected is anonymous. See Box Analytics Product Announcement for more details. sanalytics.box.com box.demdex.net dpm.demdex.net pendo-data-prod.box.com pendo-prod.box.com # Box Zones fupload-usw1.app.box.com fupload-usw1.ent.box.com usw1.boxcloud.com fupload-nane1.app.box.com fupload-nane1.ent.box.com nane1.boxcloud.com fupload-euw2.app.box.com fupload-euw2.ent.box.com euw2.boxcloud.com fupload-euc1.app.box.com fupload-euc1.ent.box.com euc1.boxcloud.com fupload-ane1.app.box.com fupload-ane1.ent.box.com ane1.boxcloud.com fupload-ause1.app.box.com fupload-ause1.ent.box.com ause1.boxcloud.com fupload-sae1.app.box.com fupload-sae1.ent.box.com sae1.boxcloud.com fupload-ase.app.box.com fupload-ase.ent.box.com ase.boxcloud.com fupload-euw9.app.box.com fupload-euw9.ent.box.com euw9.boxcloud.com fupload-euw1.app.box.com fupload-euw1.ent.box.com euw1.boxcloud.com fupload-as1.app.box.com fupload-as1.ent.box.com as1.boxcloud.com
Other integrations
- Box for Office Integration: To use the Box for Office Online integration, please allow Microsoft's for Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges.
- Box for Google Workspace: To use the Box for Google Workspace, please go to the Google support pages for the hostnames you must allow. (You can ignore the Google Drive/drive IP addresses because this Box integration does not have a dependency on Google Drive.)
- Box for iWork Integration: To use the Box for iWork integration, you must allow access to Apple’s network at
Optionally, if using an IP allowlist, be sure to allow the IPs listed on https://www.cloudflare.com/ips/
Important: If above Domains / Host names are not allowed, related functions or services will not work.
2. Port and connection details:
Enable HTTPS port 443 TCP for the domains above, and allow Web Socket protocol wss://.
To connect with HTTP/3 (QUIC), Box recommends you also optionally enable port 443 UDP.
and *.boxcloud.com
. Making these changes will help maintain the integrity and efficiency of data transfers.Alternatively, ZSTD Content-Encoding support may be disabled directly in a browser but this may lead to decreased performance on all sites using ZSTD:
- Chrome: Visit https://chromeenterprise.google/policies/#ZstdContentEncodingEnabled
- Edge: Visit https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-policies?source=recommendations#zstdcontentencodingenabled
- Opera: Visit
and change to Disabled -
Firefox: Visit
- Paste the following string into the top field:
- Edit the value field to remove
- The value field should show
gzip, deflate, br
after your edit.
- Paste the following string into the top field:
If you need further assistance, please contact Box Product Support.
3. Box Desktop Applications' Proxy Support
Box Drive, Box Sync, Box Tools, and Box for Office are desktop applications that must connect to Box's data centers to function. The apps utilize the same domains outlined above. The apps detect and use the proxy configured for the local machine via:
- Automatic Proxy Detection
- Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC file)
- Windows does not support local file path schemas for the .pac file location such as
Use a URL to configure the .pac file location.
- Windows does not support local file path schemas for the .pac file location such as
- Or manually setting the proxy server address for HTTPS protocols
For proxy authentication support:
- Windows apps support NTLMv1 or NTLMv2 authentication
- Box for Office, Box Tools (machine-wide build), and Box Sync use a Windows Service that needs to connect to Box's data centers to check for new versions. The Windows Services run as the SYSTEM user, which may be unable to authenticate using NTLM. We recommend allowing SYSTEM run Services to connect through your proxy without authentication.
- Mac apps support NTLMv1 authentication only.
- HTTP Basic authentication (BA) is not supported.
4. Testing Connectivity to Box Domains
To test whether your browser can connect to various Box domains, go to our Connectivity Testing page. Each test image is hosted on a different Box URL.
5. Configuring Email for Box Notifications
Box uses an email service provider to deliver notification messages, such as invitations to collaborate on content when a file has been shared. To ensure your organization can receive notifications from Box, you may need to update your filters to allow email notifications to reach your users. Read Configuring Email for Box Notifications for more details.