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  • France

    Hi Daniel, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    We appreciate you sharing your feedback here on this Dark Theme for Box. A similar idea has been shared to our Product team to support the "Dark Mode" option, however, the suggestion is currently not on our roadmap.
    If you'd like to provide direct feedback on this existing feature request, please go to this link and share your use case with our Product Managers. Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.
    Should any new functionality/ feature come out, we will definitely update you via Box Product Announcements
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  • Anmol Garg

    Kindly plan dark mode. It's really needed to reduce strain on the eyes. If I had the option , I would have switched to Microsoft Notes without even leaving a comment here.

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  • AJ

    Hi All,

    Welcome to the Box Community! 
    I appreciate your time to let us know about this things that Box has to offer. Unfortunately, we don't currently offer the feature you asked about. 
    Our Product team is constantly looking for ways to improve Box based on user feedback, You can submit your suggestion or feature request directly to our Product team. Please feel free to submit it through Box Pulse. Here is the link: https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-product-feedback


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  • Martin Low

    it's been a year and dark mode still not planned for Box on the web. But ios is working well with dark mode.
    tbh, alot of platforms are implementing dark mode as option.

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  • Frank Pascale

    Dark Mode is absolutely needed. The all white screen is too much and I always have to dim my screen by half just to use this website. I'm not sure I understand why it was implemented for mobile, but no plans for the desktop where all the heavy upload is being done? Come on......

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  • Tonya Hammond

    Please make a dark mode option a priority! The glare on this site is a guaranteed headache.

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  • Orion Facey

    Every time I open the website I have to prepare to wince, not a very good feeling which I have unfortunately come to associate with using Box. Please reconsider your decision to not implement this necessity.

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  • Stewart Wallace

    Please look at Dark Mode. It's the future!

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  • Amala Garg

    Hello, has there been an update in terms of rolling out a Dark Theme? Thanks.

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  • Desiree Perez

    Dark theme option, stresses my eyes with white theme

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  • Cameron Dodds

    Please add a Dark theme option. Almost every other platform I use has a dark theme option. This one feature would make your product so much better.

    The brightness of the white background gives me a headache.

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  • Jen Coppens

    Why is there a dark mode for the App on the small phone screen but not for the large Desktop screen? Please work on this. The big white screen is harsh.

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