User Details reports provide a range of data about every user in your organization (name, emails, groups, collaboration permissions, and so on). This includes identifying whether and how many of the users in your organization are unmanaged. More information on running the User Details report.
Managed users, of course, are your “official” Box users, people with licensed Box accounts that belong to your enterprise and who are subject to your organization’s security and compliance policies. Unmanaged users, however, use unpaid personal Box accounts to collaborate on your company-owned content. Although they are within your organization’s managed domain, they do not belong to your Box enterprise; their Box accounts are unlicensed. Most important, unmanaged users increase your security and compliance risk because their accounts are not constrained by your enterprise's Box security policies.
With the help of the User Details report, you can identify your unmanaged users and close this security gap by inviting them to become managed users. Then after you do that, you may wish to remove any unwanted domains to which any unmanaged users belonged.
The User Details report does not specifically call out external users. External users don’t belong to your enterprise (that is, they are not employees or in-house contractors) but do collaborate on content owned by managed users. External users could be either managed or unmanaged.
- Only Admins and Co-admins can run a User Details report. Group Admins cannot run this report.
- You can also get a user report by navigating to Users & Groups > Managed Users tab and clicking Download Report. However, we recommend generating this and all other reports from the Reports page (Admin Console > Reports > Create Report), where you can customize the report output.
You must define filters for the User Details report before you can run it.
User Details Report Details
- File format: comma-separated value (.csv) file that lists users by last name in alphabetical order
Filename format:
Folder name format (each report run is placed in its own folder):
User Details run on YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS
- Filename and folder name time zone: the local date and time of the admin who ran the report or who set up the report schedule.
User Details Report Data Columns
This section describes the data columns that are generated in User Details reports. You can select which data columns appear in the report. All columns are selected by default, and the columns marked with an asterisk and grayed out in the dialog box are required.
Some data is included in the report only for specific user types. The following key defines the user types and each data column name indicates which user type(s) the report includes that data for.
- M: Managed users
- U: Unmanaged users
- E: External users
- (User) Name (M, U)
- The value in the Name field in User Account Details.
- (User) Email (M, U, E)
- The value in the Email field in User Account Details.
- Public Name (E)
- The value in the Name field in User Account Details.
- Secondary Emails (M)
- Any values in the Other emails field in User Account Details.
- Groups (M)
- Any groups that the user is a member of.
- Storage Allocated (M)
- The amount of storage allocated to the user. The value in this field can be either a number, which represents a the number of GB (gigbytes), or "Unlimited," which represent no limit up to the amount of available storage your organization is allocated.
- Restrict external collaboration (M)
The value in the Restrict external collaboration field in User Account Details. The value can be one of:
- Enabled
- Disabled
- Status (M)
The value in the Status field in User Account Details. The value can be one of:
- Active
- Inactive
- Cannot delete and edit
- Cannot delete, edit & upload
- Storage Used By Owned Files (MB) (M)
- The amount of storage consumed by the content that the user owns.
- Last Password Change (M)
- The date, in UTC, of the user's last password change.
- Storage Policy (M)
The zone in which the content that the user owns is stored.
This column appears in User Details reports only if you have Zones enabled for your organization.
- Last Credential Entry (M)
- The date, in UTC, of the user's last login, including logins for the Box web application in a browser, Box Drive, and the Box mobile app.
- Last Activity (M)
- The date, in UTC, of the user's last activity (view, download, upload, edit, etc.) in Box, including using the Box web application and apps such as Hubs, Canvas, and Sign, Box Drive, and the Box mobile app while logged in as the managed user.
- User Type (M, U)
The type of user. The value can be one of:
- Admin
- Co-admin
- Managed User
- Unmanaged User
- Managed User Permissions (M)
- List of the User Access Permissions enabled for the user in User Account Details.
- Co-admin Permissions (M)
- If user is a Co-admin, list of the Co-Admin privileges enabled for the user in User Account Details.
- Tracking Codes (M)
Any tracking codes defined in the Admin Console will get a data column for each. Any values in the tracking code fields in user accounts will appear here.
These columns appear in User Details reports only if you have tracking codes enabled for your organization.
- User ID (E)
- The value in the User ID field in the external user's User Account Details.
- Domain (E)
- The base domain of the external user's email address.
- Inviter Email (E)
- The email address of the managed user who invited the external user to collaborate on content.
- Invited Date (E)
- The date that the user was invited to collaborate on content in your organization.
- Enterprise Name (E)
- The value in the Organization field in User Account Details.
User Details Report Filters
This section describes the filters that you can configure to run User Details reports.
- User Type
Optional. Allows you to select which user type(s) that the report will contain. Select from:
- Managed (default): Users for whom you have an account defined in the Managed Users tab of Users & Groups. If you select Managed, you can select additional filter options.
- Unmanaged: Users who have your domain email, but are using that domain email with an individual Box account. If you select Unmanaged, the report returns values only for 3 columns: Name, Email, and User Type.
- Managed and Unmanaged: Contains data for both managed and unmanaged users, but for unmanaged users, includes data in only the Name, Email, and User Type columns.
- External: Users who have been invited to collaborate on content within your organization and who are not managed by your organization or do not have an email address with a domain that you manage.
If the User Type filter is not displayed, please contact Product Support.
- Users or Groups
- Optional. Available only when you select Managed users from User Type. Enter one or more names of managed users or of user groups to limit the User Details report to details of those users.
- Last Login
Optional. Available only when you select Managed users from User Type. Allows you to limit the report to only users whose last login in within defined time period. Select from:
- Past Day
- Past Week
- Past Month
- Past Years (and then select a number of years from 1 to 7 or All Time, which is as long as you have had an account tariff with reporting access)
- Custom Range (and then select a start and/or end date)