fatal error : failed to execute script main

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  • katrinaa

    Hi ,


    Thanks for your post in the community!


    Could you provide more information or even a screenshot so we can check further? Is this a Box sync or Box drive error?

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  • Rob_Parrish

    If this is from an SSO window it may be that the embedded browser is too old (IE 7 likely)

    Make sure you are using the most up to date version of the app you are using to connect.

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  • noville771

    i have the same script error in box sync or box drive.


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  • noville771

    I use the latest version of mozilla firefox .


    i use the latest version of Box sync .


    What are the other applications i should verify ?

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  • noville771

    I have always the same problem . can anybody help me ?

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  • katrinaa

    Hi ,


    Sorry to hear that you're having a problem with Box Sync! Would you mind collecting your Sync Logs then submit it to our Support Team to help you directly?


    Here's how:

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  • Lisandropa


    I'm getting this error in 4 computers with windows 10 and IExplorer updated.

    This is log Icon Overlay

    2018-01-08 11:57:22,605 [6] INFO - Started Box Overlay Service Client
    2018-01-08 11:57:22,605 [6] INFO - Aborting Box Overlay Service Client in state Faulted
    2018-01-08 11:57:22,605 [6] INFO - Starting Box Overlay Service Client
    2018-01-08 11:57:22,605 [6] INFO - Started Box Overlay Service Client
    2018-01-08 11:57:22,605 [6] INFO - Aborting Box Overlay Service Client in state Faulted
    2018-01-08 11:57:22,605 [6] INFO - Starting Box Overlay Service Client
    2018-01-08 11:57:22,605 [6] INFO - Started Box Overlay Service Client

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  • Lisandropa

     I solved this issue running boxsync.exe with Windows 7 compatibility. 





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  • Rob_Parrish

    that's an odd one!  

    Thank you for sharing your solution.  By chance is there a software application or suite that is shared between all the systems that had the issue?  I'm wondering if something changed your .net or a runtime library. 

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  • edwajas

    This fixed my problem as well. Thanks for the tip.

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  • ArmyWife

    Unfortunately with Windows 10 this did not fix my problem

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  • RichLeo

    Unfortunately that did not solve the error. 

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  • dlindsey_pcc

    I found a solution to this error, when none of the above worked for me.  In the logs (which are located at: "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Box Sync"), I opened up the Icon Overlay log file and it had an error: 


    Error reading root path from C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Box Sync\sync_root_folder.txt


    That txt file didn't exist on that folder location.  I created the txt file and then Box Sync was able to open and is functioning fine (for now).

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  • alikantes85

    how did you create the txt file?


    I found a solution to this error, when none of the above worked for me.  In the logs (which are located at: "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Box Sync"), I opened up the Icon Overlay log file and it had an error: 


    Error reading root path from C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Box Sync\sync_root_folder.txt


    That txt file didn't exist on that folder location.  I created the txt file and then Box Sync was able to open and is functioning fine (for now).


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  • dlindsey_pcc


    how did you create the txt file?

    I just right-clicked in the folder and chose New->Text File


    Give the new txt file the sync_root_folder name before the .txt extension.

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  • krishna4

    That also didn't worked out for me

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  • France

    Hi ,


    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your first post in the forum!


    If you encounter the same error message described on this thread, I suggest  reaching out to Box Support team to further investigate with you. You can submit a ticket here to Box User Services to help you directly.


    Be sure to read our guidelines, Subscribe to content you like, and complete your profile on the community.


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  • bkarun

    We we download the Box, I am not able to open, it is showing script,fatal error.


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  • haroondavid

    I tried same fix, but im still getting same error. I even tried Windows 8 compatibility mode, no good.


    Any other suggestions?

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  • I did something simple:

    First uninstall pyzo or python or anything you're coding with 

    Second delete the file in %appdata% with has the same name

    then reinstall it 


    and BAM it works

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  • Shadrack Chabedi

    Fixed by changing date on my PC. Just realised my clock battery is dead! 🥲

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