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Total number of files

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  • Murtza

     Unfortunately, we don't have an API endpoint that would provide the total file count across a Box Enterprise in one API call. As you mentioned, to get the total file count programmatically you would have to call the Get Folder Items endpoint recursively.


    An alternative approach to using the API is getting this information from the Box Admin console. You can get the total file count by running Folders and Files report in the Box Admin console. Running that report generates a spreadsheet with a list of all the folders and files across a Box Enterprise. 



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  • apearce1

    How long does this export normally take? I have exported Folders and Files but it is not showing in my Box Reports folder. 

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  • house-stark

    Do we have an Api endpoint for total number of files for an AppUser ? I tried searching at my level and I think they have not supported this function yet. Is this function in the upcoming features, Box has planned ? 

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    Will you add this feature? Counting the files under all sub-folders iteratively does not look like a wise use of the resources especially when there is request rate limit imposed on us.


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